My Group Gathered today at Starbucks and I had a drawing for 2 patterns and some 100% Baby Misti Alpaca Yarn that I bought at my local yarn shop The Yarn Palette to Celebrate The 1 year Anniversary Of The Group.We had 3 new members come today one of them Robin won the drawing.Mindy and Jamie our only married couple in the group spotted Denise Crosby who is perhaps best known for her portrayal of Security Chief Tasha Yar on the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Her grandfather was actor/singer/comedian Bing Crosby and her ex-father-in-law was the noted director Blake Edwards.She Autographed my Ravelry tote and took a picture with me she is really sweet and even prettier in person then on tv:)
Met 'Tasha Yar' in real? What fun! It looks as if you did have a wonderful gathering.
Congrats on a year with your group!!!
I'm actually heading back to a knitting group this week. One of the local groups that I loved meeting with, and since I changed my schedule last year, I haven't been able to go. So they are having a little meet and greet night on Tuesday and I can't wait!
You look fantastic BTW! I see you are recovering well!
Had such a great time! Going to the Palette and see if they have any silk garden...you gave me the clapotis bug!:) Can't wait to the next meeting. Glad you posted cuz I just linked to you hoping you would!:) Can you email me the link for the green Lizet shawl you had with you yesterday? Hugs, Dawn
I named one of my girls Darcy. I have loved that name ever since my mom gave me a Darcy doll.
I know there was a barbie when i was a young girl named Darcy i got teased over it.lol
I have a twin sister named Denise but that is a not topic for discussion;)Thankyou it is fun to know of other Darcy's with a y instead of ie.Hugs Darcy
Looks like great fun!
We saw Scott Grimes - Dr. Archie Morris from ER on Saturday night at BJ's. Wish you had been there, cause you would have actually spoken to the man and met him, whereas I just have this really grainy pic of him!!!! I hope your visit with your daughter went well. Mine will be home next month for three days!!!!!
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