As most of you know a month ago I had a brush with death but luckily it wasnt my time to go:)I received mail from a lovely lady.
Kari had this story to share with me.
I have a knitted sheep. I want to send it home to you. I say home , as I met my husband at Edwards AFB in 1995. I Graduated from Palmdale High School(87), My dad was an AF Col. and retired to California City.(they just put up a flag pole in his honor at the Central park there). Also, I made this sheep while I was living out there. So in essence, the sheep would be going home.I so miss the warmth of the desert. I know exactly where your house is, hubby used to live in the dorm buildings over by the HQ and where Cerro Coso college is.Edward The Sheep arrived today from Kari:) I have wanted to collect sheep and so I was very excitted about this special little sheep.My youngest Athena grabbed Edward up as I removed him from the package she began playing with him and when it was nap time bottle in one hand Edward in the other I tucked her into bed.Maybe tonight she will let me hold him.Thankyou Kari your Random Act of Kindness means the world to me:)
Athena is such an angel baby in those pics...smooches!:)
A sheep with a story, how neat! Athena is adorable, Dorrit loves her bed (and the sheep of course).
what a special story, and what a great gift for you!
Darcy, I don't get a chance to read your blog everyday, just too busy. So it's been awhile. I just read it tonight and it made me smile thinking about my own grandkids as I sit here trying to knit a cotton sundress for one of them. hugssssssss
Just got around to reading this. I am so overwhelmed of the generosity of strangers sometimes. The picture of Athena is sooooooo cute. Oh and btw Darcy, I just started my own blog. I have lots to do on it, but will have more on it soon....
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