1. Do you Knit or Crochet? For how long? 2 years
2. Do you enjoy using metal, wooden, or some other kind of needle\hook? plastic and wooden for dishclothes. I have never used dpn's would love to try #7 in bamboo.
3. What are your favorite types of yarn? soft . Any you just can't stand? no acrylic, no fufu novelty yarns hard to see your stitches
4. When it comes to cotton, are there any brands you'd love to try and haven't? Cotton Chenille Yarn In these these colors on the link above: Neptune,moonlight periwinkle,scuba.I also have always wanted to knit dishclothes out of this yarn: Sparkle Yarn any color white, red,etc...
5. When you make Dishcloths, do you use them yourself, or tend to give them as gifts?Both. I have a 2 yr old daughter Athena and a 3 yr old Daughter Alora so washclothes are used all day long that is why I would love to try a cotton chenille I would like to use washclothes that are gentle on their little faces and hands.
6. Do you have a favorite color? jewel tones: (blue/green),green,purple,(blue/violet),violet
Any that you dislike? baby pastels,neon,yellow
7. What color(s) (if any!) are your kitchen and bath decorated in? Hunter green/burgundy other bathroom is dark woods color bamboo theme with earthy tones and light greens.
8. What are your favorite scents around the house? Lilac,Citrus
9. What is your very favorite thing about summer? Air conditioning.lol
10. What is your least favorite thing about summer? Humidity
11. Do you use soap or body wash in the shower? Mostly body wash but I had a bar of soap that was grainy to exfoliate and smelt like cinnamon and I loved it I was sad when it was all used up.
12. What scents do you enjoy in the bath? Cinnamon,Mango
13. What is your favorite dishcloth pattern? I think the Vortex 5 Dishcloth or 6 is really kewl looking and the Log Cabin Dishcloth but I dont knit with dpn's so havent figured these patterns out.I would love to have some patterns for (knitting themed dishclothes) like this one: Yarn Stash and this one: knit now dishes later I love to knit and I heart yarn
14. What sort of treats do you enjoy? Sweet or Salty? Iam into tea treats right now so some scone mixes and tea biscuits or tea time cookies would be nice I love lemon ones.
15. Imagine today is one of the hottest days of the year - what do you do to keep cool? stay indoors and drink tea and knit.
16. What sorts of hobbies do you enjoy besides knitting or crocheting? Listening to books on my mp3 player I get one a month off audible.com.Cooking, would love to receive the book afternoon tea by Susannah blake it is like a cookbook for tea time.
17. Do you collect anything (besides yarn!)Iam into tea's would like to try Masala Chai Tea and Azteca Fire Tea and rock sugar to put in my tea and tea accessories wish list jasmine tea ball infuser perfect tea maker
18. Are you on Ravelry? If so, share your ID!knottyknitter40
19. Do you have any allergies?lactose intolerant ,ciggarette smoke
20. Do you have any pets? a cat
1 comment:
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