Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fiber Spectrum Note Cards Drawing

Click On Photo For A Close Up

The Drawing is for 10 assorted notecards and envelopes.
How to be entered into the drawing:
1.Click here and pick your favorite card and send me a comment telling me which number is your favorite and why.If you are a fiber nut OR need to send a card to a fiber nut these cards are great:)
Deadline For Entry: July 20th 2008

Winner is: KatieO she had this to say about the cards:
I love 33... it is so purty... it was hard to pick one though... but that one jumped out at me!! Great job!!

July 6, 2008 10:29 AM


Dawn said...

Very hard to pick a favorite...23, 21? hugs

Ally Jay said...

Difficult choice. They were all stunning in different ways but the one I was particulalry drawn to was number 20. I liked the colours initially. They were earthy and gentle. When I looked closer I loved the way it made different shapes. I could see butterflies and masquerade masks and then I saw little gnomes with moustaches.

Alice said...

Difficult to pick a favourite. I'm leaning toward 27, because of its colours and shape.

Unknown said...

WOw - they're beautiful!

It is a difficult choice but I think I'll go with #2 because of the color combination.

Katie O said...

I love 33... it is so purty... it was hard to pick one though... but that one jumped out at me!! Great job!!

Grace said...

#7 is my favorite --just looks so yarny

teabird said...

Number seven because of its peaceful colours and inventive symmetry.

Lovely, all of them!

teabird / ravelry

Alaina said...

They are all so pretty...

I am leaning towards #7 being my first choice...I like the blues and tans together...

and second choice would be #14...just really like the colors and the symmetry...

They are awesome.

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

#9 with it's golden fire, brown earth, blue water and white cloud for air, plus green for the gorwth of living things is my favorite.

Elaine said...

Like everyone says, it's tough to pick a favorite.

I'll go with 14, but I love lots of them.

Turtle said...

Hmmm, very beautiful but number 26 pulls at me! I love kaleidascopes!and with yarn involved....yes!

Amanda said...

Ooh! I love #20! It looks like a creamy white gardenia or orchid. The colors are so beautiful...if it was a poster, I'd hang it on my wall and stare at it for days.

BTW, I'm also commenting for the GYC blog train on Ravelry...

Wendy aka Misswendiki said...

They are all great, but I like 14 and 2.

Anonymous said...

I think 9 is my current favorite, but I love just about all.

Anonymous said...

You love contests! It was hard to pick, I like #2 and 16, but I'll go with #2, I like the use of color.
Sandra Singh

smariek said...

Surely you're joking, you want us to pick only one when there are so many beautiful ones? That's really tough!

I guess I'm gonna have to go with #16 because I love the color combination in that one.

sheep#100 said...

#33 - it reminds me of a rose window in a cathedral.

Nice work!

Bunny B said...

My faves are #26 and 32! Loving their colors :) Thank you for the chance!
bunnybox9 at gmail . com

wenat said...

#14 edges a little bit in front for me, but they're all beautiful. What a refreshing way to look at yarn!

knitmomma said...

They are beautiful! I think I like #33 best - I like the way the colors contrast each other, I like the hexagon shape, and the fact that it is quite flower-like in shape.

Kristen said...

Wow! Stunning! I'd have to choose #17 as my favorite.


hmmm. 9....for some reason it makes me think of laura ashley's things ... soft and femimine...i would like to do a sweater with these yarns and colors. i like all the cards in the prisim favorite toy!

ikkinlala said...

I love the rich colours in card #33.

Anonymous said...

I like #23 best because of the bright pink colour and the symmetry of the colours. It's not just yarn being kaliedescoped... it's creating it's own design. It looks like a flower.

KSee said...

Hard to picl just one. Oh, #17 is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

So hard... but picking #16
Awesome cards!

Anonymous said...

Many of them are really pretty, but having to choose just one, I think I'd go with number 4 - I love those colours!

Anonymous said...

My fave is #16 - I live the bright jewel tone colors. Thanks, Debbie