Flat Feet Sock Yarn has taken the knitting world by storm! Flat Feet
comes as two hand-dyed, pre-knitted "flats" that you unravel as you
12" by 30" when stretched out as shown in picture on the right Every Flat Feet yarn is unique.
Fiber Content:
80% Superwash Merino Wool, 20% Nylon
Yardage: approx. 400 yds, 100 gm, enough for an average pair of socks
Gauge: 8 sts per inch, US size 3 needles
Care Instructions: May be machine washed after initial blocking.
What I think is really great is that it is already seperated so that you can knit 2 socks at one time.
You can read Sue's story here Now for the drawing for the flat feet pictured above.
1.Visit Great Yarn Company and decide what you like on the site then leave a comment saying what you like and why you like it. (for an entry into the drawing).
2.If you blog about and link back to the drawing and tell me you did in your comment you will get your name added again.
3.For everyone who leaves their comment and says they came from your blog your name will be added again.
Deadline August 8th at Midnight
The Winner Of The Flat Feet In The Pictures Above is...ikkinlala a 22 year old student Congrats please send me your full name and address at darcysknottyknitter@gmail.com.Thankyou to everyone who participated it was fun reading all your comments:)hugs Darcy & Sue
I like 162 - cool and subdued - what fun that would be to knit up!
teabird / ravelry
I like cool bright. Oh now that is a color I can sink my needles into. This would be to knit up for my oldest daughter, I could send her a pair of socks in her first away from home package. :)
I love everything, in the flat feet though I think I like the flat feet 200, warm-pale the best. I LOVE PINK
I am linking this contest on my blog as well.
I like the Flat Feet - I think my favourite is 172, because I like the colours.
I also like the Sockittome Wool in the Woods #111 for the colours, and the Supersock Solids and the Frog Tree Alpaca for the wide variety.
Hey darcy, i really like 174 for some reason. (i linked to yu as well) I am still not completely sold on the flats yet, but then i am always apprehensive to new things, lol!(and then i usually love them!) It would truly be cool to see what designs they knit up as.
I can't for the life of me figure out what these would look like knitted up (I've only made 1 pair of socks to date). But I like the colors in warm bright #187 and all the cool brights.
I love all the pictures of the different flat feet colors especially the second page. My favorites are 191, 156, 169, & 181. They looks so pretty as they are!
Kenyetta on Ravelry
I like their yarn selection! I've never heard of Flat Feet before. It sounds so cool! I'd love to try it, so I'm hoping to win it, like all the rest.
I blogged about your contest here:
What I like about your website is that you display the Flat Feet so that you can really see what you are getting. I know that takes a lot of time, but it sure is worth it for the customer. Thanks ever so much!
What I really like about your website is that you take the time to photograph each Flat Feet flat so you know what you are purchasing. Thank you VERY much!
What I really love about your website is that you take the time to photograph each Flat Feet Flat. That why a person knows exactly what they are purchasing. Thanks! Nancy camelheights@msn.com
I have only seen one piece of Flat Feet. It was nice to see the pictures of the different colorways and the different patterns the color was laid out.
Looks like a fun concept!
JackieCastsOn on Ravelry
ok, the feet are neat but i saw them when she was here for fiberfest...such a lovely lady. what i like best about the site that she did not have when she was in dallas were the stitch markers! what great colors! and the prices are really good!
I can't decide between 169 and 181. Both are great colors.
I like 189, warm and bright; that really sums me up :-) I've never even seen that yarn here in the UK - what a great concept!
I never have seen yarn this way. Would be remarkable to knit a pair of socks this way. I took a peek at the website - hard to choose out of the beautiful colour combinations!
Flat Feet 169, Colors remind me of the fall, which is by far, my most favorite time of the year!
How very cool! I would choose 196.Pink and browns.Gorgeous!
I like the selection of Cherry Tree Hill Supersock Potluck colors because it seems like not too many places carry it.
I love the Cool Bright Flat Feet flats. The colors are bright and look like they'd be delightful to wear with jeans. I haven't purchased and knit with these flats, yet, but I am currently knitting a pair of socks from a pair that I'd started (the gauge must have been off, the first was HUGE). Instead of unraveling the sock, I'm knitting the new one from the old one, and it makes the yarn so much easier to handle! I've seen a few online reviews that say the yarn is too "kinked" and this sock is (I knit it last year), but it's not unbearable, and the convenience of not having to deal with balls that do get tangled and such is well worth the kink!
It's kind of a crazy concept. I wonder how it would be to knit with! I think my favorite is #155.
I like #176, very manly colors. I found your contest via the Chicken Legs. I also posted about your contest on my blog, knitwithballs
re: great yarn website...i like that there are color word descriptions of the yarns with the pictures. sometimes it is hard to see all the colors present.
have never knit with flat feet. do the wrinkles affect your knitting?
linking to your blog too.
I like the selection they have. I also like the funky way it's dyed up while knitting and comes out very different when knitted into socks!
I like 179 - neutral and pale - so unlike my more typical choice of warm and bright hues.
(IslandWoman on Ravelry.)
That flat yarn concept is very neat. I love the one with the browns and golds, oddly enough!
Great contest
wow that looks really interesting :) I would love to give it a try.
I thought you wanted to hear design elements we liked on the site, but....everyone else is picking specific yarn? So....I like when you click on the yarns by name it is clear what is on sale. Not sure that is what you are looking for. I love the novelty of flat feet too! I came from Aunt Kathy
Ya'll are leaving great comments! I'm Sue from Great Yarn Company, and I'm reading every comment!
Some of you are lusting after yarns (can't blame you there), and some are giving me really good feedback about the website - thanks for participating and for letting us know what you like!
I'd love it if you'd bookmark my site (http://www.GreatYarnCompany.com) and visit us again in the future!
Hi - I left a message on my blog here http://arcticknits.blogspot.com/ about the contest I really like the website at Great Yarn company, it has really nice easy to read layout and I love the flat feet cool brights. Thanks for the contest. Debbie
i like the site - i'm going to try and get some of those sock flats- when i go off my yarn diet.
I like 191. I think the flats are a great idea and I wish I'd thought of it.
I love that you picture each unique colorway on the website and I can select the exact one I want.
It's almost like knitting from a piece of art.
I've favorite a bunch of FLAT FEET projects on Ravelry so I can watch them knit up.
I was just reading about these the other day -- what a cool idea (makes me want to go to a thrift store and see what I can find!)
I like the Co0l Brights 155 or 153
I found your contest on Knitting in the Bellybutton of California's blog.
I like #s i91 and 164, either of which could be framed and hung as art.
I love color #172. I like the earthy tone with the splash of bright blue.
I like all the warm brights!
I like the 165 - Neutral pale! Thanks for holding the contest.
Cool site! Lots of awesome yarns. For the Flat Feet, I like 172 and 175, the neutral bright colorways.
I've been keeping an eye on the Claudia Fingering - Blue Terra Cotta for some time. Gorgeous!! But as far as a flat fee color: I would choose 156. A lot of the other choices seem to be sold out!
Hey, guys - this is Sue from Great Yarn Company, just touching base again. Pencraftco, I wanted to respond to your concern about Flat Feet being out of stock - if this doesn't resolve your question, please email to let me know!
You should be seeing only in-stock Flat Feet on our website - as soon as each one is sold, it's removed from the website right away. So the Flat Feet you see on our website are in stock and available (unless it just sold in the past hour or so - we're fast, but we're not THAT fast!!)
I double-checked the webpages and our inventory to make sure, and all of the Flat Feet on our website are in stock, and can be added to the shopping cart.
If anybody's having problems with this, please let me know - just email me at Sue at GreatYarnCompany.com (replace the "at" with "@") and I'll follow up with you right away!
Thanks again for participating in our Flat Feet contest!
Sue, I love your site! Claudia's fingering is among my favorite yarns! I adore every colorway! I also think the Flat Feet are a fun novelty...it's nice to see such a good selection. And the stitch and zip kits are nice...not all knitters do other needlework, but many of us do, so a little kit like that is a fun thing.
I also mentioned your contest on my blog... http://www.stringandaprayer.blogspot.com
I love 172 too--favorite color, but I love the patterns too! I'm linking back to you from my blog--at http://catgirlkknitson.blogspot.com right now!!
I, too, wasn't sure what kind of feedback you wanted - but I think the site is very easy on the eyes - which makes it easy to read and navigate! I had never seen the Stitch & Zip Needlepoint Kits - I thought those were neat! Of course, all the yarn is lovely too!
I like your site! You even mentioned
where you are located.
I drooled over Jojoland Cashmere, oh!
what a luxury!
176 is interesting! I like the concept of the super-compact project...no rolling balls!
I like flat feet cool- subdued. It's got a nice set of colors, and I could see it making some really cute socks.
I like the Baauble Stitch Markers - I'm obsessed with beautiful markers. My favorite are the Large #3 - you never find them in big sizes - & I always have to go with pink!!
And I found the link to this through "Knitting with Balls"
Okay, guys, if you haven't entered Darcy's contest yet, today's the LAST DAY!! Get those comments in TODAY to win Flat Feet from Great Yarn Company!
Sue @ Great Yarn Company
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