It has been a busy summer not nearly enough time to knit as I would
A friend of mine is having a baby and I wanted to knit her some booties they dont know what the sex of the baby is yet since she is due at the end of the year so I picked a color that would be for either a boy or girl.I have been knitting on the easy flame scarf when I can like in the car or at appointments as taking care of the girls during the day and working evenings pretty much takes up all of my time and days off are spent with my family.What's on your needles? how is your summer going?
My summer is HOT! I'm ready for it to be over!!! LOL
The flame scarf looks wonderful, and booties ... well... how can you go wrong? They're cute, by definition!
love the way the scarf is coming and I already favorited the booties, started a baby dress for a friend having a girl in early sept that they are naming Grace, and I have lots of shawls on needles in various stages
Hey darc! They look great! One of my clients came in today and her preggers belly has popped, i should knit her up something small, will have to peek around! Am still awaiting for the real summer, it feels like fall the past few days. I have been working on the whispering pines shawl and the last STR sock shipment. Lots waiting in the wings, some winter when my schedule slows a bit, lol
Love your booties. THe scarf is amazing.
I am working on socks, but haven't told anyone but YOU that they are the pedicure socks! No toes or shaping!
I can't wait to start my neck top down cardigan b/c it is for
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