The Topic of the Week at the All Hallows Eve Dishcloth Exchange.Check out the blog of one person you DO NOT KNOW yet who is participating in this round of the swap, and then post on your site linking to their blog and sharing a little something about them.
GeorgiW and I both have a special day October 25th it is her anniversary and my birthday and we both love Halloween also Georgi has a fun sense of humor.We both think Alpaca is the softest yummiest yarn:)I had to add Rhea because her questionaire and mine were closely matched in our answers. I like black licorice gumdrops and taffy that is white with the black licorice swirled in and those mixes with the pink outsides and black licorice insides and she likes black licorice to. I love pumpkins and she likes pumpkins.
hi darcy!!! i see you linked rhea too! i must have missed georgi, gonna click on over to see :)
i agree about Alpaca being the yummiest yarn ever, its definitely one of my favorites, don't like licorice although I did a long time ago, and I love pumpkins have tons of them but witches are my favorite!
Hey! This is your secret pal stopping by to let you know I have you!
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