Dolores Knit this cute slip stitch hat for the hat drive in greens and yellow.
Kathy at Irisheyes Knitting Blog is asking knitters to make warm hats for adults and children.Something nicer than just a plain hat. These hats will be donated to homeless shelters in her area and should be mailed in by January 5, 2009. As a thank-you for helping, Kathy is offering several gorgeous skeins of yarn as prizes, courtesy of Anne at Wooly Wonka Fibers and other blogging friends. Please read this link for all the details.
You are the best. THanks for the gorgeous hat post and the contest reminder. People are so busy right now, I am amazed you could finish a hat. Your friends is wonderful as well. DOnt forget to name a yarn you might like to win!
Darcy, I love the hat in Autumn colors. I want to try one of those myself. Expect a call if I need "online support"
they look great Darcy, love that orange! enjoy your holiday!!
I love the green and yellow one. Very nice!
Both hats are adorable! I especially like the one with the ear flaps. Very cute. And good for you helping with the drive.
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Your blog is quite interesting...I'll be back for sure!
I love the one with the flaps, and I want to try to make the other--you said it was pretty easy, and that's what I need right now!!
Very cool. The best of what knitting is about.
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