Since last month I have been going to UCLA and also Lancaster and the clinic on base getting all my pre-op tests done to prepare for surgery.
My surgery date is February 2nd, a week away.
Since we haven't any family here my hubby is taking February 2nd-15th off to care for me and our 2 little girls.
The day of my surgery a friend will be taking me to UCLA for surgery so that Tom can stay home and take care of Alora and Athena.
I have arranged for my job to be covered during this time.
My husband's commander's wife kindly offered to arrange a meal to be dropped off every night to help lighten hubbie's load during the first week.
As a wife and mom Iam use to taking care of everyone so this is going to be hard on me not being able to.
Tom said anyone who would like to can write him at watts_tom74[AT]hotmail[DOT]com for my full name and address if they would like to send me cards or letters telling me what you are working on or about your family and pictures as I would love that
and or updates on how Iam doing after surgery.
P.S. If anyone is going to Stitches please send pictures and tell me all about it as I wont be able to go and would love to live vicariously through those who get to;)
I will still blog right up until February 1st but after that my blog will be quiet.
Prayers for a successful surgery and quick healing time with no infections would be greatly appreciated:)Hugs Darcy
Think happy thoughts, like how much knitting and reading time you have ahead. Glad you have a support team in place.
good luck with your surgery Darc! healing thoughts will be sent your way!
All those prayers are coming your way Darcy. You will keep reading blogs for fun won't you? Dont feel the need to comment, but stay in the loop.
Sounds like you are well prepared for takeover. Now you just will have to let others do for you.
The best of surgery vibes and healing to you.
I'll be praying for you Darcy! I got my cable needle necklace yesterday- I'm sorry I haven't had time to let you know. THANK YOU again. I love it. It's a treasure. We'll miss you here til you heal up and scab over. ;)
Cass you made both I and Tom laugh till it hurt you are so funny:)Hugs Darcy
P.S. Thankyou everyone for your prayers and happy thoughts:)
Sending good thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
Try to enjoy the "down" time if you can:). Make sure your knitting is within reach and get yourself a bell, girl. I had to resort to ringing a bell for the hubby to hear me........LOL
Oh, best of luck with your surgery! It sounds like your support team is all in place. I know how hard it is to let others do the caretaking for a while (I well remember it after a major surgery I had), but do let them do it as much as possible so you can heal well and quickly :) I'll be thinking of you!
I plan on having my cell phone to use to call my hubby on the house phone because we live in a Duplex and he wouldnt hear me if I yelled for him and I doubt he would hear a bell.lol Hugs Darcy
darcy of course i will write to you and be thinking about you as well. good luck
Ah Darcy,, I will be thinking about you over here. God's best to you. Don't worry, everything is taken care of. Big ((Hugs)) to you and your family. You are blessed and a blessing to many:]
Darcy, You will be in my prayers. Hope all goes well with your surgery. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Blessings ~Mary~ :-]
Oh, strong ahd healthy thoughts coming your way.
Darcy - like so many others, my prayers are with you. Coincidently my husband (also a Tom) is having surgery the same day so I have set up a very broad band cable for my prayers to be heard :-)
You are lucky to have such a wonderful support team. Let them have the pleasure of helping you.
Best of luck. I'm sure it'll all work out well.
Darcy dear, daily prayers going up on your behalf for a very speedy recovery from surgery. I will be thinking about you until I hear from you again on here.
Hugs to you
Best wishes for your surgery. Try to enjoy the downtime and focus on recovering. Read, knit, sleep... just relax! It's what your body needs. Good thoughts flying your way!!!
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