I was in bed resting most of the weekend sore and didnt feel up to knitting.
Alora is feeling much better but Athena is running temperatures and has the harsh cough with congestion and runny nose and so Tom is pretty exhausted.
Tomorrow morning they want us to remove the catheter and if by 3pm Iam voiding on my own then it stays out but if not that will mean I need to go to the ER and have one put back in.
I have been eating soup and sipping sierra mist as I have been nauseated.
Iam glad we purchased a foam donut as it really helps when sitting.
I hope sharing this with you all isnt awkward.
Our 5th Wedding Anniversary is Valentines Day but it looks as if we will not be going anywhere so I sent hubby to the store and now we have everything we need to bake and decorate valentine cookies with the girls for our special day:)
Thanks for keeping me updated. I'm sorry to hear Athena is getting sick now, give her a big hug from me. Dorrit is going to send your girls something for their Valentinesday.
oh my goodness this is the cutest ever blog today... ((hugs)) Praying everything is going to work out for you! Thank you so much for keeping us up to date. We care about you Darcy!!! oh by the way you have been nominated for Kreative Blogger Award.. see my blog for details8)
I hope everything goes well at the Dr. & you don't have to have that done again!! Feel better soon!!!
And I hope you guys have a good Valentines Day despite the fact that you aren't feeling up to going out!! :)
It sounds like you're still in good spirits. Hang in there!
i hope everything goes well for you today and it is your blog and you post whatever you want to post, we all need an avenue for venting and this is yours, I hope the girls get better too and give Tom a big hug for taking such good care of all of you!
Your Valentine's Day Anniversary sounds like lots of fun. Glad to hear you're feeling better.
Hope you feel better soon Darcy. Sorry to hear your little ones are sick! Sounds like DH is taking great care of all three of you girls!
I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything goes well! And the cookie plan sounds just perfect :)
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