Thankyou CiCi and CAJtalk for nominating me for Kreativ Blogger Award.I was surprised and tickled to receive it.
Here are the rules for the nominees:
1. Copy the award to your site.
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate 8 other bloggers.
4. Link to those on your blog.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominated.
All of you inspire me to continue knitting, blogging, and learning. I can think of so many more that deserve this award, but I will just nominate the 8 to stick with the rules.
1.Arielzoe she knits the most gorgeous toys Iam in awwww of her toy knitting skills you rock Ariel;)
2.Alice Jean (lizzieW)She dyes the most delicious colorways and her knitting is perfection and now she has branched out into spinning she is a true inspiration:)
3.Irishgirlieknits her blog is a feast for all your senses she shares her life and love of yarn and gorgeous projects in such a way as to keep you coming back for more and it seems everything she knits causes me to make project plans Iam so inspired by her she knows just how to match the right pattern to just the right yarn to leave you drooling;)
4.Hannah her photographs are breathtaking and i love her patterns she is a true artist the yarn is her canvas and the landscape her muse.
5.Kathy she is a sweet compassionate knitter always treats you like a best girlfriend stopping in for coffee and a chat:)I always look forward to her comments and reading her blog.
6.Laurie is witty and wonderful she is always up for a challenge and her blog is so darn cute you would never know she is new to blogging;)
7.Erika rocks the casba she is totally the hippest mama she does it all from sewing to knitting to spinning and hand makes her own organic body care line that are yummy check out her etsy store.
8.Mary of Isabellas Closet I won her Valentine Banner Giveaway isnt my new banner totally cute:)She designs and sells banners and she has a very big heart always giving to others and her blog is so beautiful a joy to visit:)
adorable changes to your page and congrats!
Darcy, You are TRULY such a sweet Gal! God bless you...
Thanks so very much for the lovely award. I sure needed the smile today.
I hope you are feeling better.
Hugs & much love ~Mary~
I love your description of irisheyesknitters blog. Thanks Darcy. I have to email you with a cable needle necklace question. Off to work right now though. :)
What a great banner, that's a great contest to win for sure.
What a totally approiate and pretty banner she made for you!!
I made a new banner for my blog and Etsy store yesterday. It's fun.
Super nice award you got, you deserve it hon.
Hugs Patt
awwww, you are so sweet! :) thank you for the award! if you hadn't already got this award i would totally give it to you...
Love the changes :) Thank you too!!!
Off to go check out some of those other great blogs!
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