Christian Glitter by
This morning we set up the webcam and the toddler girls got to see their dad and talk to him on the computor . Alora loved it but Athena being 2 was a little unsure of seeing her dad on the computor screen.
It was good to be able to do this as the girls have been missing their dad alot and it has only been 4 days since he left on his TDY.
The girls ask for him every morning and every night and they are to young to understand why he isn't here so at least being able to see and talk to him on the computor might give them some reassurance and comfort.
I will be posting some finished knitting later today off to make some starbucks breakfast blend.
Tell us how your spending your Saturday?
thats sooo cool.... I bet kids loved it~! hope you have a fantastic weekend I was outside this AM for some reason i woke up at 4am and could not go back to sleep lol. I have knitted a little on my KAL socks... and designing my OWN kodak camera bag because the one that came with my camera is to small Grrr lol...I need it done by this next weekend. I got the dishes done doing Laundry here and there and playing outside with both girls OHHH and I broke the car HAA HAA long story but the Starter went out in the VAN so hubby had to fix it lol...well better go don't forget to look at my NEW blog let me know what you think ...I am excited :)
Hugs! We did this when Owen went to medic school. He had face to face time with his kids every night before bed so he could "tuck them in"
I hope the love the web cam . I have to figure out how to use mine still. God Bless You!
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