Thursday, May 14, 2009

~*Surprise Gifts In The Mail*~

We received a lovely surprise package with a pin created by PattM for each of us girls to wear.
One ferrett, flower, and a cupcake and for me to cheer me up she created 2 ferrett stitch markers to remind me of my 2 pet ferretts that we had to give away to good homes 6 years ago because the base housing considers them an exotic pet so your not aloud to have them.Thankyou for the wonderful surprises PattM.




Nan said...

OH!!! I love surprises in the mail! I know you will enjoy your pins.

Anonymous said...

Darcy she is sooo sweet did you see the Manatee she made me? I wear them as a necklace lol they are supose to be stitch markers but i want the world to see them :)
Those are sooooo cute~!

cici said...

what a great surprise for some wonderful girls♥

wildflower38 said...

Surprises in the mail are so wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

Such a great gift!

Turtle said...

how cute and sweeet!

Two Cables and a Frapp said...

Very nice !!!