Wednesday, June 3, 2009

~*Wordless Wednesday*~




Anita said...

super cute photos, but WOW, they make precious look huge next to the little one! LOL

Free Range Chick said...

Dude, your cat is like, the same size as your kid!

Turtle said...

aww, kitty looks so huge next to your daughter

Anonymous said...

Precious looks huge in the pics. She's trying to redeem herself. It will work if she continues to be soo cute! Awww

sara said...

Is that cat as huge in real life and it appears in the photos? Wow!

Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

Precious is a Hymallian/Persian mix and she is pretty good sized cat.Athena is 3 years old and very delicate of build so precious is pretty good sized cat next to her;)Hugs Darcy

Unknown said...

Love it!!

Knitting Linguist said...

I love those pictures! You have one big fluffy kitty there :)

Meg said...

precious! no, I mean Precious is precious, and so is Athena. :)

KSee said...

Great pictures. Precious sure knows that Athena is her baby.

Unknown said...

That is the fluffiest cat I have ever seen ! how adorable !

Susan Knight said...

What a beautiful, beautiful cat! AND: cute little girl!

Susan Knight said...

Big beautiful kitty and cute little girl!

Vanessa said...

WOW your kitty is HUGE what kind is she??? WOW~!~! Love the pictures I LOVE cats :)