Alora was very excitted yesterday especially since Dad will be walking her to school every day he works swing shift so I will be picking her up:)
They just headed out for her second day of kindegarten and I wanted to share the pictures from yesterday with all my blogging friends.Hugs Darcy
to cute your little girl is so cute darcey!!! and its really cute seeing all the camera moms in the background as well
what a sweetie and you all survived!!
What fun, walking to and from school with her parents!
Oh my stars! There she goes growing up. I hope she had a great first day and that her second will be even better.
So exciting!! Such a big day, for her and you both!! Such a cutie :)
A beautiful memory!. Your sweet little girl is so pretty and clearly happy to be walking to school with Daddy!! Tomorrow she will be driving. No kidding! I took my sweet little grandson to kindergarten the first day and now he is wide receiver on the H.S. football team and drives himself to school.
What a nice post. My kidster #1 is starting Kindergarten in two weeks! I hope he likes it as much as Alora seems to :)
Cute, cute, cute and this brings back a lot of memories for me.
She looks rarin' to go. She doesn't seem a bit nervous!
What fun! My husband thinks it so lame that I take pics on the first day of school. Of course, he teaches first grade and has a first day of first grade every year!
She looks so happy and confident - off to a good start. :)
Love that picture of her walking with her Daddy. Precious!
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