Today I received a package from my swap pal Kat back home filled with comfort and caring I also found out my friend Samantha back home was told her tumor is bigger.
I have been crying and hugging the stuffie bunny filled with lavendar that Kat made.
I want to go to bed and sleep I feel so drained but my hubby works swing shift so I have to wait till I put the girls to bed.
I know what my friend is feeling and if she gives up the fight well that is what worries me knowing how she is feeling right now I wish I could be there to give her a hug and be a shoulder for her to lean on.
When you know that you cannot make things better it is hard to accept because it’s my friend and she has little ones sometimes life seems unfair.
I feel bad normally I’m a very upbeat person but my emotions are sad ones today.
The package from Kat was like a much needed hug.
I'm going to run a nice warm bubble bath for the girls tonight before bed.
So sorry to hear Samantha's sad news. I'm a cancer patient myself, so I truly understand how overwhelming it can be. My friend has recently discovered a major metastasis which is inoperable. She has just been through 2 different experimental chemos for the metastasis. I don't know if I would have the courage to go through more chemo. I had a very positive attitude when I did it, but if I got a diagnosis like hers, I honestly don't know what I would do - whether I would just give up or keep fighting. And I also understand just how difficult it is for all the people who love her. I think the best thing you can do is tell her in words and deeds that you love her a lot. You can never hear that too much. I'm sure she'll love your gloves.
I am sorry to hear about Samantha. But you sound like a good friend and although you feel as though you can't do anything - you CAN be a friend. Bubble baths, chocolate and reading have always helped me get through things.
Also, hug your girls alot! I don't have children, but when I feel sad, hugging my cat always makes me feel better.
I am thinking of you.
Sending the warmest of hugs your way...
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this news. It's terrible to be so far away and to feel so helpless. I'm sending my best thoughts to both of you...
I'm so sorry to hear the news. I know exactly what you are going through. (((hugs)))
i know how you feel about the potential threat of a loss. my five year old cousin just had a kidney transplant she told her parents she was tired and didnt want to do it and everyone was praying for her and she was praying too and my mom says I think god answered her prayers not her parents. hugs to you and if you ever need to talk you know my number ill be sending you up some armwarmers
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