Darn Good Yarn was formed providing the coolest, unique, and exotic yarns, accessories and kits around.
There is something so cool about handspun ecofriendly yarns.
Luckily, her husband Mike has been nothing but a support and keeps the motivation up.
Aside from this yarn being 100% Child Labor Free.
Nicole concentrates on the promotion of Nepalese people to help secure their skills and lifestyles throughout the local region.
For their recycled silk yarn, hemp and other accessories from Nepal, they employ village women through which various benefits are extended such as health care and education for their children.
Fair trade and social benefit….and really great yarn.
Does it get any better? We didn’t think so either.
The prize:
We are giving away to 1 lucky winner,
200 grams Fair Trade Handspun Recycled Sari Silk Yarn, 210 yards and in Balls for free- Funky Arsty Cool.
Step out of the norm and think about the possibilities you can create with this yarn!
Well, what this yarn consists of is lightly spun, sometimes whole pieces of silk tied together.
It's chunky, crazy and a step out of the normal. Perfect for show stopping pieces like belts,to a funky scarf, to an awesome bag, to a table runner,and adventurous ponchos!
let your creativity run wild with this yarn!
photo Darcy took of a Gal at Rhinebeck she is wearing a knitted hat and sweater in sari silk

How To Enter:
1. Visit Nicoles shop Darn Good Yarn and come back and leave a comment telling me what you like.
2. Blog about the giveaway and leave a comment with a link to your post.
If You Dont have a blog but are on ravelry leave a comment about what you like from her shop with your ravelry name.
3.You get an entry for every person who leaves a comment saying they came from your blog post about the giveaway.
Deadline: November 13th at Midnight
oh great giveaway! i really like the:
* Recycled Vinyl Billboard Retro Doctors Bag
on her site...thanks for the chance! i'm going to go blog about it
blogged here: http://amplegoodies.blogspot.com/2009/11/darcys-knotty-knitter-giveaway.html
thanks! peters.ab0124(at)gmail.com
i love the skinny yarn which is between worsted and sport weight too bad its sold out vbarton24 at gmail dot com
The colours are lovely!
I have been wanting to try Sari Ribbon. I would love to make the Sea Bag. Thanks for a chance to win
What a great site! I love her 80 Ways to Save the Earth Tote bag videos. I'm going to start saving my bags and pop can tabs now.
Am I seriously supposed to choose???? I'm from Austin and this store is like HEAVEN!! We're kind of known as "hippietown, USA", and any of their products would totally be at home here. ;) Sigh...I suppose my ONE favorite item would have to be the Gumball Recycled Silk..but I love it all!
I love the pastel colors of the handpainted sock yarn. This is a great giveaway.
nice!! i pimped ya and linked back, as always D!! smile
love the :Recycled Vinyl Billboard Retro Doctors Bag
cute company, i love recycled good associated with knitting!
My favorite is the Handpainted Sock Yarn - very pretty colors and free dpn's to knit your socks too!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
My ravelry name is yarnaddicted - Thanks!
My favorite is the Silk Sari Strip Ribbon Yarn.
I blogged about the contest here
The skinny recycled silk looks yummy/
I like the * Silk DPN or Crochet Hook Roll Case
I came from DebsCrafts blog post
I blogged about the contest
Oh, the site is lovely! The recycled silk looks like so much fun, but the little felted flower purses are adorable, and I am a sucker for bags.
One post coming up for tomorrow morning!
Good luck with the giveaway!
P.S. you've got a great blog!
I love your sock yarn!
knitterofhats on Ravelry
Oh, that Alpalca Bulky ! I can just feel that softness as a cowl... What a neat shop! Thanks for telling us about it.
teabird / ravelry
What a beautiful giveaway!
Okay..seriously torn on a fav...lllloovvvveeee the sari strips and the roll case!
Please enter us into this giveaway!
I love the Circle Buttons - very versatile and pretty.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
Darcy, your site won't load for me this morning, so I can't "shop around." The url and favicon display on the top of the window, but the site doesn't pop up - just a big blank page. :(
As to the sari silk, I love the idea of trying the Cross-Stitch Scarf (from Judith Durant's 101 Designer One Stitch Wonders) using this beautiful crazy yarn.
Hope to try and visit your site again later.Love the contest idea.
On Ravelry I am "LooseKnit"
I love the felted tote bags.
I love the needle bags how cute! I heard from Hook and Needle Girl about this giveaway thanks!
Love the free patterns. (esp the 80 ways to save the earth bag)
I have a blog, but Rav me: MamaMay
I really like the Recycled Vinyl Billboard Retro Doctors Bags - I'd love to get my hands on something like that soon...
I like
* Award winning alpaca yarn!
egateris at gmail dot com
I love the colors of their Gumball Recycled Silk Yarn. I found this contest at
banana silk yarn? that sounds so coool! I want to see it, feel it, knit it. Thank you!!!
The Refined White Flour Banana Fiber yarn is so cool; I love it! Thanks for the opportunity to win such beautiful yarn!
I like the Nuclear Style Blueberry Banana Fiber Yarn. Beautiful and unique!
Chrissy at knittoday(at)hotmail(dot)com
I like the Silk Sari Strip Ribbon Yarn.
My absolute favorite thing in the DGY store forever is the Darn Good Accessory Kit. Amen.
I love this yarn!! I have made the "80 ways to save the planet" tote and have orders for two more!! I also made two smaller purses.I have also made a sari silk purse using the sport wight yarn. I love this yarn!! Keep up the good work, Nicole!
Hands down, all the banana silk yarns are my favorite! I love every color they make! My ravelry name is Lunathecat.
I really like the sari ribbon yarn. It is soo fun!
I also think it is cool that you can now pick a color family for the sari yarn.
I really like the recycled banana silk yarn. I will be able to use it in a very special way for the needy, to make them feel beautiful & colorful...Thank you for the opportunity in participating in the giveaway. Rosie :o)
In Ravelry: RosieLovesYarns
i like the Recycled Banana Silk Yarn. i have never heard of this yarn before and it sounds really cool!
I think the recycled yarn Nicole buys from the needy women of Napal is an exceptional action. What good work she is doing!! Its beautiful yasrn and the movie clip of how to wear the finished scarf on "darn good yarn" shows Nicole at her best - creative, funny and enterprising - a model to us all.
I just discovered Nicole's yarn...it looks so yummy, a friend of mine told me about it....I am on ravelry and my name on there is stitchingmaniac, I am just starting there so there are no pictures yet but plan to add some soon....thanks for the contest....
I love the handpainted sock yarn! But the whole store is awesome, isn't it!
Great give-away, Darcy--as usual!
Love your website. I can foresee my future scarfs woven to the rhythm of my knitting needles and your Recycled Sari Silk Yarn. And Banana Silk? A new experience, awaiting my crochet hook. Exquisite yarn!
I blogged!
What a GREAT website...I'm going to be going there often. (sorry I didn't know about it till now...but I've bookmarked it for future reference). I love the Yo-yo diet (thick & thin) yarn and also the Autumn Leaves Tie Dye Bohemian Bag. Very cool stuff.
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