I received a lovely package from my friend Grace for my birthday there were 3 skeins of super soft Adagio each skein is 70% baby llama and 30% silk 50 grams each I would love pattern ideas for the skeins.
There was a breast cancer awareness pin to wear as October is breast cancer awareness month.
There was a little knitting book to carry in my knitting bag full of cool knitting facts and a place to write my needles down and a Mary Engelbreit Christmas journal.
There were a set of pretty cards with 2 birds kissing so sweet,a pretty accessories wallet,and a knitting needle bracelet purple a favorite I will wear it often:)A key charm which makes me think of Coraline and the secret door.
There was an awesome heart tape measure love it she also sent the girls some treats which they loved and pencils for Alora to use for doing her homework and she loves to draw as well.Thank you Grace
Also for my birthday my friend Leslie gave me the necklace I'm wearing in the photo it is a bubbled heart with Celtic circles cable needle necklace I love it.
I found out I was one of the winners of Chan's giveaway and my prize was a Grace Shawlette it is my favorite color green I have gotten many compliments on the shawlette and it is very soft and pretty.Thank you Chan for a wonderful giveaway and Grace for donating the shawlette it was a wonderful surprise:)
I also won Material Whirled candy corn hat kit giveaway.
I would like to buy another so I can knit one for each of the girls her kits are so cute.Thank you Reenie for the wonderful giveaway.
I received a trip to NY from my hubby for my birthday and he let me buy yarn and get a bracelet on the trip will blog soon about that.
I haven't been blogging much lately as I have been dealing with severe allergies so I will try to update more often as the allergies let up it is still warm where we live and windy so my allergies have been really bad causing migraines and feelings of exhaustion and over all aches and pains .
Congrats, all the way around!
sweet! hope the allergies calm down soon...happy belated birthday!
What Turtle said, but more belatedly. Take care.
What great gifts to make your birthday grand. Hope the allergies calm down.
Feel Better Darcy. Great gifts and prizes , each one! You look lovely in the shawl.
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