My friend Samantha has been fighting a rare form of cancer for 4 years. She is now twenty-five years old and she is very cold due to the weight loss and chemo.
I thought it would be nice to make this a warm Christmas for her by knitting or crocheting her gloves, mittens and fingerless mitts.
I would like to ask for help with making this happen as I would like to think that every stitch would restore her hope.
I knit her the fingerless mitts in the photo above from a free pattern called Toast so that she could wear them indoors as her hands are always cold.
I knit them with 10 ply Aran yarn on #6 needles.
I cast on 34 St's as I tend to be a tight knitter.
And I know this isn't much but I want to give back for every one's kindness so for every pair of gloves you send to me by December 20Th 2009 you will get 5 entries into a drawing for a Cable Needle Necklace made by Leslie Wind as a thank you for helping give hope to Samantha for Christmas.
Her measurements are:
arm 11" around
wrist 6.5" around
hand 7" around knuckles
thumb 3" around
When ready to send the gloves out just email me at darcysknottyknitter@gmail.com for my mailing address.
I will send out all the gloves 2 day priority mail to Samantha in time for The Holidays and will post the names and pictures of the gloves as they come in.
With Sincerest Thanks Darcy
Darcy - what a beautiful idea. I will definitely try to make a pair. Your love for your friend is wonderful!
Thankyou Elaine your such a sweet person.(((Hugs))) Darcy
darcy, how nice. do you think she would like some fingerless gloves as well for wearing while inside the house to keep a little extra warm but still have the use of her hands?
Yes Turtle the ones I made for her were the Toast fingerless mitts so that she could wear them indoors the pattern is free on ravelry and a quick knit just stockingnette.That would be super.Thankyou (((Hugs)))Darcy
I bought some yarn and cast on. I hope they turn out well. These will be extra warm and machine washable (it's great to have some ultra-luxury ones like yours, but also a washable wool blend is good so that you can just pop it in the washer and dryer and not worry about them).
That sounds like a great idea easy care is always nice:)Hugs Darcy
Darcy, I don't knit and can barely crochet a straight line. But I love your heart in doing this and can't IMAGINE how loved and blessed she will be by your heart and those of your dear readers. Can't wait to see all the lovely creations!!! You are the DEAREST person.
That is such a neat idea for your friend. What a great way to give to her and also sharing with her all of the beautiful talent these ladies have in their art.
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