I have still been knitting mostly wee tiny socks.
I did a June Wedding bride and groom set for a couple getting married then today sent off a package with a Rapunzel theme.
I'am feeling more rested which helps alot.
It is very hot in the desert so I try to wait until evening to take the girls to the park as I'am fair complected and so are they and we sunburn easily.
It was nice weather back in Idaho I got some color when I was visiting but here in sunny southern California you can fry under the sun in a matter of minutes so you need plenty of sunscreen.
Father's Day the girls gave Tom his gifts and I made homemade banana bread it was a mellow day spent at home.
I had bought some yummy homemade jam when I was at the farmer's market in Idaho which I will post about later the jam has red pepper and garlic in it so yummy:)
Heading out for a doctors appointment thankyou to everyone for all the prayers and healing thoughts it is so comforting.Hugs Darcy
I hope you start feeling better. Big hugs. Your socks are so adorable!
Cute socks! Glad you're feeling better.
so glad you are feeling better! I love going to the farmers market!
such cute new themed socks you've made!
Darcy I just have to tell you how much your note to me meant. I'm so VERY sorry for your losses this year but you have certainly poured your energies into the right direction. SO VERY GLAD for you and your husband to have lost 30 lbs. each and may I say you TRULY look lovely. You give so much and I'm glad to see you loving yourself as well by taking care of yourself.
I had someone say to me a few weeks ago that we are supposed to love our neighbors as ourselves (we all know the Bible verse) but he said he was glad lots of people weren't his neighbors because he wouldn't want them to love him the way they DIDN'T love themselves. You are a beautiful example, dear heart.
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