Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer Flies

I knit a shawl every year for my birthday this year I started early when I found this wonderful pattern and I just wanted to share it with you:)
There was a knitalong on ravelry and I read every post and took notes which are on my project page here.
It is the most well written detailed pattern and a quick knit.
A great first shawl pattern for anyone.
I knit it with 10 ply worsted plucky mcn on US # 10 needles it can be knit in 2-4 days and you need roughly 400 yards for this project.
If your not on ravelry write me and I will send you my notes happy knitting.Hugs Darcy


Sarah {The Student Knitter} said...

totally cute! I love your new shawl!

Are you losing weight? you look thinner in these pics too.

Anita said...

Beautiful shawl! And you look fabulous wearing it!! :)

Winona said...

Very pretty! I am still too new to knitting to attempt this pattern, but maybe someday. Winona

Zinzia said...

It is gorgeous :)
That was a nice present for you :p

Grace said...

very pretty Darcy!!!!

SissySees said...

Lovely! I like your tradition of knitting yourself a birthday shawl...

Turtle said...

your so good! It came out lovely! (i so have not even had time to start but am thinking of doing this on the road trip to boise (again) next week to check daughter into the dorm ... (and leave without her!) Love the colorway D, looks great on you!

Amybel said...

The color looks stunning on you! I don't think I can knit anything in two days, ha! Nice work.

Katherine said...

You are looking beautifully thin and healthy. I love the shawl! What beautiful work. Brava!

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Looks beautiful on you! Thanks, Darcy ... this shawl has to go on my list too. Right after another Boneyard. Happy knitting.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Girl! You are so gorgeous!
And that shawl is amazing!

Bubblesknits said...

Darcy it looks beautiful on you!!! Stunning!

Alaina said...

Very, very nice! I haven't tried a shawl...easy?

cici said...

Oh My!!!! you are looking soooo good♥ Summerflies looks good too!! You are such a motivation and inspiration, Thank You Thank You♥

Meredith said...

What a beautiful shawl!!!! I love the idea that you knit yourself a shawl for your birthday every year. What a fantastic present. I used to knit for everyone else but me, then I decided that I deserve to knit for myself.
Have a wonderful day,

Laura Neal said...

Very nice! You did a great job and it looks awesome on you!

Heather Woollove said...

Happy belated birthday. I LOVE this shawl!!

Daisymum said...

This shawl is beautiful! I may steal that idea from you. A shaw for me for my birthday made by me! That is an awesome idea!