Sunday, October 17, 2010

Relaxing And Knitting:)

We have been sick alot colds and flue but are doing better last week I went to ABC Of Creative Pursuit to visit and buy needles for my Birthday projects and had fun hanging out with friends and bought lots of Cascade 220 to knit toys for the girls this Winter:)
Iam knitting a Sockhead Hat for my Birthday and hubby and I are planning a date night my Birthday is October 25TH but it is during the week so we will have our date night the 23RD.
I had lots of Birthday knits planned but then we got sick so only think I will get a couple done by my Birthday Iam loving the way my hat is knitting up.
So what is on your needles?


Meredith said...

So sorry you all have been sick. I have been peeking at your blog to see where you have been. It is a busy time of year especially with your little ones. Glad you had some good knitting fun.
Have a great week,

Turtle said...

good to see you! been wondering how you are. That cold has been making it's rounds here too, we had a very quiet anniversary last weekend due to it. Happy belated birthday!

Laura Neal said...

I hope ya'll are all better. I am knitting mittens and I have been hired to knit a pair of mittens as soon as the yarn gets here. Can't wait to see the hat finished.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Oh my gosh! You're back!
Welcome home, LOL.
You look great! So sorry you have been sick.
Glad to see that you have been knitting though!

Katherine said...

Sorry to hear you have been sick! You certainly look wonderful--so delightfully thin!! I hope your birthday is the best ever. Looking forward to seeing the hat.

Anita said...

Glad you guys are feeling better! That mess has been going around here too. UGH

Love your photos, looks like you had a wonderful time. :)