Wednesday, October 5, 2011

We Are Still Alive And Kicking:)

Hubby has been gone a month and we still have 15 days to go I'm so exhausted but the girls are doing well in school and a friend took a picture of us at church on Sunday wanted to check in with everyone and let you know hopefully by November should be back to knitting and posting:)(((Hugs)))Darcy


Wall-to-wall books said...

You and your girls are so cute! I didn't do much knitting over the summer but I am back full force now!

AKA - itsJUSTme

Meredith said...

Hugs to yo Darcy, hope you are all well.

Turtle said...

glad to see your all looking and doing well! :) They almost sent my hubby back to hawaii yesterday for 3 more weeks but then changed their minds before the day was done. (yay! monday is our 20th and i figured he would be gone)

Katherine said...

It's good to see those sweet, smiling faces. I know well the trials of caring for the girls alone and am praying for all of you!

Laura Neal said...

Glad to see ya'll are well. My air purifier is an Idylis. The hubby found it for me. I love that thing, I sleep with it on every night. I call it my personal air conditioner. :) Merry Christmas.