Linda a friend invited me to spend the day with her toodling around Studio City we planned to eat lunch there and hit the pink porch closeout sale and she wanted to show me the Stitch Cafe they offer alot of unusual classess one is a dying class that I would like to take they let you pickout a skein from one of the 3 baskets of undyed yarns to dye I petted the yarns they felt nice in my hands I took a picture of the undyed yarns to put on my blog and took several pictures of the ladies who work and knit in the shop they were nice and answered my questions it was really interesting.It was the funnest day Linda and I had a blast;)
Funny and interesting indeed. Did you take a dyeing class already and what type of yarn did you choose?
Forgot to say: I love all the yarns in the background of the pictures. So gorgeous!
That sounds like way too much fun. I wish I had somebody to go and do knitting stuff with and then somebody to watch my kids for free and then a somebody to drive me there and back cause I would want a drink or two or three. I don't want much do I? hehe
Look forward to seeing the yarn once you dye it. You are going to dye it right? I'm not a knitter so . . . . .
Anyways, thanks for stopping by my blog. You didn't win the drawing for Chocolate Beach - but stop back by tomorrow and enter a new drawing!
I didnt get to go we are going to The Airforce Ball Sept 21 and I needed to pay for my ball gown to be altered and dry cleaned but I will try to go next month I really want to dye yarn.I will be 40 yrs old next month and all I wanted for my B-Day was a date with my husband and a ball sounds dreamy.lol
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