I had my picture taken with Fitz Fulton he was a test pilot that was one of the first to fly the space shuttle enterprise he flew in the berlin airdrop and in the korean war.I took a picture of Joe Engle and his wife he was an astronaut who test flew the space shuttle enterprise with fitz fulton he was also on board the second orbital test flight of the space shuttle columbia in 1981.Chuck Yeager I wanted to get a picture with Chuck Yeager but they wouldnt let anyone so I got 2 pictures of him side profile as I couldnt get anymore then 2 people distance from him he had men keeping people at bay.Chuck yeager broke the sound barrier 60 years ago so he is the most famous test pilot of all time.I got my picture taken with Miss Edwards 2007 she was really nice.
This is a fun post, until now a did not know who were the first test pilots. Very interesting to have met all those famous people, a pity they won't let you near Chuck Yaeger!
If you click on their names they are linked to each of their Biographies including lead singer five for fighting:)
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