Thankyou KatieBell I couldnt open the 9-5 swap pkg until last night after getting home from work and before going back to work.Iam touched by the care you took in putting my package together:)Hugs
There was a lovely card from Katie her stepfather was stationed for a year in Afghanistan and had brought back alot of viscose scarf wraps katie sent me one and her mom printed out in english for me the care for instructions:)Katie's mom got alot of pencils and pens for me from the pentagon and she also made the stitch markers for me all my favorite colors:)Katie knit me a clutch and felted it and the button on it is lovely.There are 6 yankee flower candles splash of rain/cottage breeze/clean cotton/tahitian tiare flower/lemon lavendar and lilac blossoms:)There is some soft soap lavendar/chamomile scented.There is a pretty bar of soap from amazing lavendar moon.Oil diffuser soft lilac,a card I can stick in my purse that shows the needles I have straights and cirrcular.There is a box of stash chai tea.An organizer for my desk with pretty flower paper clips and thumb tacs.I have already put the pencils in it.There is a magnetic paper clip holder,A beautiful big notebook really kewl:)2 refrigerator to do list pads.There is more 2 floral sticky note pads with a pen.Gorgeous stationary very victorian.A support our troops bracelet.There was a patch and pins celebrating the airforces 60th anniversary this touched me as last year we attended the ball which was my first ball for my birthday present so we got to celebrate the airforces 60th birthday and you can read about it here i saved the best for last 2 skeins of Emerald Malabrigo so soft:)Thankyou katie and katie's mom and stepdad for all the wonderful gifts.Katie and I have alot in common I look forward to getting to know her.Hugs Darcy
What a great package! I'm glad you and Katie have a lot in common. It's fun when swap pals become friends...
YAY!!!!!!! Great package. Katiebell put alot of thought into it. I KNOW you love it! Hugs Cheryl :)
Great package!
What a fantastic package! You had a great swap pal!
She really took the time to send a great swap package!
What a lovely package, such nice things!
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