I won a blog award!! Thankyou

Here are the rules:
If you've already received this award, great! That means you really really deserve it. Feel free to pass it on again.
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
I'm nominating the following ladies:
2.Alice Jean
4.LeslieW & Maurreen's Blog
congrats darcy on the compliment!
Congrats on your award!
Thank you so much for the award. I just posted mine.
(Yes, the blog is temporarily in French. You can see why in my Ravelry profile)
hi Darcy,
and thanks for the award. I' honored.
Don't despair for your banner, please. I'm thinking of it all the time. But grapes are everywhere I see right now.
... I'll drink only beer from now on.
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