I went to read the yarn harlot blog as I usually do and she had posted a book signing tour she would be in San Francisco October 4th.I excittedly asked my hubby if this could be my birthday present this year as my birthday is in October and he said yes:)My BFF's favorite Author is also Stephanie she has all her books and has read all of them so I called to see if she would like to go.I purchased two books over the phone from cooperfield's books to be picked up at the signing.I was able to book a hotel for the weekend in downtown Santa Rosa 5 minutes from the bookstore and the Mall.I worked for a friend the week before so she would cover my job for that weekend and began packing for the 7.5 hour trip.Dolores wanted to give me my birthday presents early she had gotten me the 2 books of Stephanie's I didnt own and knew I would want to get them signed at the book signing.Here is a picture of the wonderful birthday gifts I received from my BFF:)
"I will be posting pictures and telling you all about last weekend tomorrow most likely it will take several posts to do this as between BFF and I we took alot of pictures on the trip"
happy birthday and have fun! we are leaving in a few hours for portland for the weekend and i have a few yarn shops staked out to visit, hubby says sure for my anniversary present! (of course our road trip is only 3 hours) have fun!! lucky girl
Sounds like fun (and Happy Birthday!)! I'm glad you got to go :)
P.S. The cupcake washcloth is super cute!
Happy birthday to you! That's a great present! My present to myself last year for getting tenure was to drive up the state to see her there, and I so wish I could have gone again this year :)
Happy Happy Joy Joy, what a wonderful birthday gift! Happy Birthday Darcy! Can't wait to hear more about your trip.
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