Tuesday, March 10, 2009

~Winners Of The Yarn Dots Giveaway~

Click On Image To Enlarge

The first winner is Grace of Lovincomfortknits she won with her follower entry.
The second winner is PattM of Patt's Creations Madness
she won with her blog post entry about the giveaway.
Congratulations Ladies you will both be receiving in the mail a bag of 14 yarn dots:)
I want to let everyone know it took me two days to get all the entrys written up and then folded and put into a bag to be shook up as I like doing it by hand.
Thankyou all who entered I really enjoyed reading your comments and visiting your blogs and I appreciate all who follow me and come to read my blog you all rock!!!!
I will be celebrating my 2 year blogaversary soon and will be having a big giveaway very excitted so please be watching for it here is a link to my very first post;)Hugs Darcy


Grace said...

How cool!!! I must plan a project for the dots! Thank you Darcy

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! After posting your comment I went to see if the Cocoa Swap had posted results, and you WON! I'm honored to have placed among such competition! ::hugs::

Turtle said...

congrats ladies!

Unknown said...

OMG!!! Thank you sooo much for doing this contest. I so totally love the yarn dots.
Big Hugs. Patt

congratulations to Grace too!!

kathy b said...

Oh I am glad good Grace won!

Can't wait for your big anniversary post too!

Robynn's Ravings said...

Congrats everyone! How fun!

smariek said...

Congrats to both winners!

Aunt Kathy said...

Congrats Grace and Patt, you're gonna love those yarn dots for sure.