Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Feeling Sad Feeling Bad feeling blue

Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

I feel lost without the other half of my heart
Tom ♥

He is leaving this morning for 2 months TDY and I'm sad he is my best friend my helper my confidant.
Our toddler girls are upset they dont understand why Daddy has to leave.
We set up the lap top and computor so that they can see him and talk to him,
We are hoping it helps.
Tom will miss Mother's Day and Alora's preschool graduation ceremony.
Tom will miss Athena's 3rd birthday and I will miss my best friend and husband.
Today is a sad day at our house.


Robin said...

hugs for you, many many hugs

SissySees said...

I hope Tom returns safe and sound, and may the time fly by...

Knitnut,Karen said...

I'm so sorry your sad! Don't think of it as a long time, make a game of how soon Daddy will be back and all the things you can share with him. It might help.

Ariel said...


Anonymous said...

::hugs:: I wish you a speedy three months!

Bubblesknits said...

I'm so sorry Darcy. Sending lots of hugs and positive vibes your way.

kathy b said...

Oh Darcy. It must be very very difficult. Do you read Woven and Spun. Kimberly went through this and is very honest.
You can tell us how it is going everyday if you want. You are blessed to have such a best friend. Here's to it somehow going by quickly .

Thankyou for your sacrifice for us.

Unknown said...

sorry to hear your guy is gone for two months that is never easy on anyone. he isnt going anywhere dangerous is he??? I hope not hugs to you.

Turtle said...

i know it is hard, but be sure to keep busy and that will help time fly easier. Having been with hubby for almost 15 years of his navy life we figured his last 3 years he was gone more than 265 days each year. So if you need to vent or chat, i can seriously say i have been there and understand.

Laurie~Let's Knit It said...

I'm so sorry Darcy. I remember those times all too well from when my Hubby was in the Air Force. Mine is gone right now for work as well but he does get to come home weekends.
Hang in there and stay busy to help the time go by fast.

Stephanie aka WoollyGrail said...

Big hugs from Switzerland!

cici said...

oh sorry to hear that... You still have {{{Darcy}}} feel free to call on me anytime you need a ear. I hope the time goes quickly♥

Unknown said...

hugs and love to you Darcy gurl. We will all be here for you when you need us!!
Hugs Patt
Hugs to your babies too.

Robynn's Ravings said...

Oh Darcy, I'm so very sorry. This MUST be so difficult. I hope you have lots of loved ones and friends who will comfort you and support you both. (((Big Hugs from California)))

With Love,


Grace said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bye Tom hurry back

Hi Alora!!!

Meg said...

Hugs for you Darcy, Hope the time goes by quickly for you and the little ones.