Meg of Blogless No More and I have teamed up to celebrate her new adventure with a giveaway for the last spot in the Summer 2009 Wee Tiny Sock Club.
This is what Meg had to say:
"As a member of the Summer 2009 Wee Tiny Sock Club, you will receive a package in the mail each month this Summer, June, July and August.
Each package will be based around a different summer theme, and will contain:
-An original creative wee tiny sock pattern.
-A taste of yummy professionally hand-dyed sock yarn, plenty to knit a wee tiny sock with.
-All notions needed to complete the pattern - for example, beads and beading needle, so no need to run out for extra supplies:)
-Stitch markers that coordinate with the theme.
-Surprise goodies!
**A Project Bag From Debbie's shop Petschminibear**
*In addition, the first package (June) will include a special wee tiny sock blocker hand-made by my husband, ready to be attached to your keys or your favorite knitting bag."

There will be only 1 winner
There are 3 ways to enter:
1. blog about and link back to the giveaway and leave a comment here saying you did.
2. Become a follower of Meg's blog and leave a comment here saying you did. (This way
you will know when you can sign-up for the fall edition of the Wee Tiny Sock Club.
3. Leave a comment here telling me about a new knitting technique or skill you want to learn - or something you learned recently that you really enjoyed.
Deadline To Enter: June 7th at Midnight
I became a follower of Meg's blog.
I am a newer knitter so i really cant wait til my finger heals so i can start learning how to knit socks this summer! :)
Hi! I recently started following Meg's blog, and that's how I found out about the giveaway. I would love to enter! It would be such a cute and fun way to knit my first sock :)
I've been subscribing to Meg's blog through Bloglines, but now I'm also a follower. I love the idea of wee socks and really think this would be a great way to learn! Thanks for hostessing the give away and please do keep me posted on the Fall wee sock club!
I'd like to learn how to do stripes better. Whenever I carry the yarn up, it's obvious. Whenever I change colors it's obvious (when knitting in the round, I mean). It strikes me these two things are holding me back from the next level of knitting, so I'm hopeful that I'll be able to tackle them this summer.
I now subscribe to her blog!
Something I would like to learn: well, there're 3 somethings. 1) Fair isle. It doesn't look hard, I just have to do it. 2) Argyle socks. 3) Using circular needles (2 circs? magic loop?) instead of dpns for socks.
Oh wow - this is really exciting. I want to learn to do more minature stuff, so this seems perfect! Thanks so much for a great contest!
Hi Darcy--I was the winnner of one o your contests and am enjoying the cable needle necklace so much!
One thing I'd love to learn to do is knitting two socks using the magic loop method. I don't know if I'll ever get it, but it would cure my SSS!
I became a follower of Meg's blog!
BY the way Darcy, I blogged about the contest on my blog, http://knitpickingit.blogspot.com--so I'm in for a three way to win!
Trudy there is a book that teaches you magic looping 2 socks at a time and a ravelry group as well.
The book is 2-at-a-time Socks by Melissa Morgan-Oakes It has detailed step by step pictures in it and is spiral bound so it's easy to keep your spot;)Hugs Darcy
I'm following Meg's blog!
I've been wanting to try knitting socks with actual sock yarn (instead of the worsted or bulky I've used before) but never could committ to making full sized socks! I'd love to try the wee socks for my first go.
I did all 3 of the above Darcy! I am still wishing to perfect my spinning on the wheel techniques as well as 3-d felting. Also i am wishing to get more used to the knitting machine hubby picked up for my birthday for knitting simple washclothes more quickly. So far we have not really become friends.
I recently learned a teriffic tubular cast on, making top down sock cuffs wonderfully stretchy!
Now off to check Meg's blog!
I'm now a follower of Meg's blog! I love the idea of this wee sock club, it's great for beginners like me!
Things I would love to learn: 1) knitting 2 socks at the same time - I tend to have second sock and second mitten syndrome, so this would be great. 2) Fair Isle, I love the look of this and I'm told it's not as difficult as it looks!
Both would be great techniques to practice on wee socks!
I'm a Meg/blog less no more follower
One thing I'd like to learn is stranded knitting - I've used two colours by switching at the end of a row, but I haven't gone beyond that.
Became a follower of Meg's blog. This is such a neat idea thanks for sharing info! I am in the process of wanting to knit socks and since I have young kits this club would be great!
I became a follower.
My new technique I'd like to learn is fair isle. For me it's like driving a car with stick shift. I know how, in theory, I just haven't had any practice at it!
The next knitting skill I want to tackle is cables. I've never done them before but I went and bought a cable needle and I want to try the Pfeiffer Falls Hooded Scarf.
I would love to learn how to read charts, while many patterns will include both the written pattern and the chart, some don't and it always frustrates me. Someday I will close myself in the house anx sit donw with a chart and try but. . . .
I posted about your contest at http://toknitandwrite.blogspot.com/2009/05/blather-and-contest.html
I posted on my blog.
I've had so much fun test knitting the patterns ... I'd love to be able to see how it all comes together in the kits, and get to knit with the yummy yarn Meg is planning to use!
Hi! I am learning colourwork (fairisle) knitting now - I started last night. I really want to learn to knit socks next! Thanks! mishag on Rav
I recently learned how to make double knitting. It's surprisingly easy.
I am now a follower of Meg's blog. What a great idea-- tiny sock club! I think I can actually finish a tiny sock, it is a pair of regular ones that give me SSS. LOL
A new technique I have learned... well that would be adding beads to lace work. I have only tried it with lace yarn, however. I used the crotchet way to add one bead at a time instead of stringing them all on at once. I think that by having 2 threads of yarn going through the bead gives it more strength. However, I am curious to learn other ways it may come in handy for other projects. ^_^
Hi! I just joined to follow Meg's blog, my only other blog is Yarn Harlot! I not very web savvy, but do love mini socks! Looking forward to seeing what everyone is doing!
I recently learned right and left twist stitch. One thing I want to learn is making two-up socks and magic loop.
This year I also plan to attack sweater making.
oh my goodness, this would be so great. I have just started knitting socks and am intrigued about any kind of sock club. wee socks seem perfect for practicing techniques, trying yarn, etc.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
I adore this Wee Sock idea, very cute. I left Meg a comment on her blog and became one of her devoted followers.
I'd love to learn how to do a lacy sock, a wee one would be even more darling!
Double knitting is something I've been wanting to try.
Sandra here is a link to a free mini sock that has lace down one side I have knit it and would recommend doing it on size 0 dpn's.Hugs Darcy
I am now a faithful follower of Meg's blog!
I am following Meg (and you), i twittered (twitter.com/mamalefae) blogged (http://purl-wise.blogspot.com/2009/05/yes-virginia-there-is-wee-tiny-sock.html)
I recently finished my first sock ever and am pretty proud of it! I'm quickly becoming addicted to socks!
I found out about the giveaway through the "Blogging" group on Ravelry. I recently did a Wee Tiny Sock swap and making the teeny tiny socks was a lot of fun.
I recently started knitting my socks using the magic loop method and really love it.
I recently knitted "Fargyles" from Knitty.com and learned how to cable without an extra needle.
I'm hoping to learn knitting socks on 2 circular needles from the toe-up by the end of the summer :o)
I'd like to learn how to make a jogless stripe. Those darn stripes always trip me up!
Chrissy at knittoday(at)hotmail(dot)com
Actually there are 2: knitting a sock toe up (I just tried this on a baby sock and hated it) and knitting socks 2 at a time
How fun!
I want to try intarsia and double knitting. Neither appear to be too difficult, but I've always stayed away from them.
HI! I signed up as a follower on Meg's blog. Something new I've tried recently is dying yarn and then knitting socks from it. It was really fun. Thaks for the contest. Debbie
I just signed up as a follower of Megs.
Hi Darcy!!!
So right now I am learning how to make 2 socks on a magic loop. I have to say that the going is very slow but I am loving that both socks are getting done at the same time!!
Hi Meg,
I just came across a shawl pattern and would like to know how to "knit nupps". Hopefully you can steer me in the right direction.
I became a follower of Blog Less
I just blogged about you guys at TexanKnits.com and linked back to both yours and Meg's blog page. Thank you for the chance :-).
I am now a follower of Meg's blog. I've always wanted to make Fair Isle socks, although on a teeny, tiny scale this might not be possible.
I am following Meg's blog too.
I am taking knitting for speed and efficiency this summer with Stephanie Pearl McPhee. I am very excited, with limited time to knit, I need to make the time count. The time crunch is another reason to do wee tiny socks.
I am new to wee sock knitting. But there techniques that I would like to learn for wee socks as well as my full sized socks. I second the striping, picot bind off, I wanna try the elf socks. So much sock knitting, so little time!! that is what is so great about the wee socks, they are fast!
Self taught on 2 socks on 2 circular needles, love it very much. I get both socks done at the same time. I love knitting wee socks.
hi darcy i blogged http://vickiescontestblog.blogspot.com/2009/06/wee-tiny-sock-club-giveaway-via-darcys.html vbarton24 at gmail dot com
blogged again http://knithappens24.blogspot.com/2009/06/wee-tiny-sock-club-giveaway-via-darcys.html vbarton24 at gmaail dot com
i am following Meg's blog as knit happens 24
im not sure if this counts or not but i acid dyed yarn for the 1st time today and I learned how to make dyes lighter and darker and how to mix colors and make what i wanted. vbarton24 at gmail dot com
this is going to be so much fun, good luck to the lucky winner. I can't wait to receive my wee sock package. And those sock blockers are the cutest thing, I need all of them.
I blogged about the contest here:
I became a follower . . .
And I did bevcome a follower of Meg's blog!!
I am now a happy follower of Meg's Blog. I think I could find time for wee tiny socks.
I'd like to try toe up socks.
I'm a follower of Meg's blog.
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