Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Oh Kitty What Have You Done!!!!

I woke up to this mess that was a ball of Vickie Howell Craft Yarn.
I'm not good at untangling yarn so I dont know what to do maybe into a bag until I find someone that likes to unravel yarn can help.
Precious is suspiciously invisible today she knows she has been a naughty girl and is hiding from mommy.lol


SissySees said...

What a pretty color! Naughty girl, Precious... (Good luck!)

Anita said...

Ack! I hate it when that happens! LOL (all of us kitty owners & some doggie owners have been there before) Good luck!

Knitting Linguist said...

Oh, NO!! I can see why she'd make herself scarce after leaving you that "present". I'm not that good at untangling myself -- I tend to recruit my (engineer) husband to do things like that :)


ok, don't panic. looks like there is still a ball. start loosly winding...when it goes under or over a line of yarn, follow it. don't let it tight...if you think it is, put the ball down and fluff out the mess or used your fingers to separate it. good luck. if i can do it, i know you can too, and i can do it!

Bubblesknits said...

::cringes:: Looks like some of the messes Maggie makes at our house. lol She got into a ball of yarn last night and I swear, it looked like a giant, yarny, spider web upstairs. It was so wrapped around some things that I really don't know how she did it.

cici said...

Look at the expression on Precious.. she looks pretty naughty right now.

gypsyknits said...

Why that kitty has the look of innocence:). Tangled yarn is no fun.

Turtle said...

lol, uh oh...she was just being a kitty after all. Too bad you didn't live closer, i could help you out! (a nice cold drink, a movie...perfect for detangling)

Zinzia said...

too bad you live too far. I have lots of experience in untangling wool :)

ruthee... said...

I had a cat once...who did the unthinkable. I had finished an entire lace shawl. I blocked it on the floor (having never had an issue with this before). I woke up to a shredded shawl. Argh.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I agree, bag it and address it later.

sara said...

uh oh. Precious better be extra precious to get back on your good side.

Ursula said...

I had a dog that did that more than once. Thankfully just the cheap stuff but still. Now I use the tangled messes for stuffing the toys I knit.