Monday, October 25, 2010

Celebrated My Birthday:)

Birthday was today but hubby works so we went on a date Saturday we went to the movies and then out for Thai food and it was so much fun:)
Today was a busy day running the kids to and from their schools then I felt sick after dinner so will have cake tomorrow.
I got packages in the mail one from Grace and one from Mary and one last week from Kat will post pictures of presents tomorrow also Tom let me buy some awesome yarn when I get it I will take pictures:)
I finished my birthday sockhead hat I love it:)Hugs Darcy


Winona said...

Darcy, happy belated birthday. I am glad you had a good one. Great looking hat.

Sarah {The Student Knitter} said...

happy birthday! It looks like you had a fun one!!

And i love the hat too - very cute!

KnittySue said...

HAPPY HAPPY Birthday...Glad you had a good time but sorry you didn't get some cake. LOVE your birthday hat, the colors are great.
Hope your week is amazing.

SissySees said...

Happy birthday, Darcy! You look wonderful. Love the hat too.

SusanB-knits said...

Glad you had a great birthday!!

Bubblesknits said...

Awesome Sockhead hat!!! Love the colors. :D And happy late birthday, too!

Wall-to-wall books said...

Awww, Happy Birthday babe!!!!!

Meredith said...

Happy, Happy Birthday. Hope you have a wonderful year.

Turtle said...

happy belated D! Missed it ( was in canada) Sounds like you had a blast...your looking great!

Anita said...

Dang, I missed it! Happy Birthday, a little late. :)
super cute hat!! Hugs to you