I love my swap package from knittinintexas she spoiled me with Organic & Fair Trade Zhena's Gypsy Chai Tea,A Pattern for a Stole called Snakes and Ladders by Katie Knits,Texas Chewie Pecan Pralines,Dunn Bros Coffee,A coffee Mug that is so my personality:) Got Caffeine?
Alora and I ate the pralines yummy. Iam making up a cup of the chai tea right now.The Tea is caffeine free so I can drink it anytime of the day and Iam going to keep the beautiful tin it came in;).The Dunn Bros. whole bean coffee is a java french roast I will grind up some tomorrow morning for a yummy pot of coffee for me and Tom what a treat!!! The Yarn from Loopy Ewe Dream In Color Smooshy Deep SeaFlower, is in some of my favorite colors Cindy really researched me.I have a wish list on my blog she went there looking for ideas on how to spoil me:)Iam working on my clapotis but almost finished then I can cast on the Loopy Ewe Dream In Color Smooshy I cant wait to knit it up!!!!
Awesome colorway! What yummy goodies! Hugs!
I just read your wish list I love the dragon mugs, oh they are something else!!! And Smooshy is fantastic I am doing the Mystic Light Shawl in Smooshy and its been wonderful to work with!
I secretly long for some fleece artist nova scotia but it is so spensive.lol Can I see your smooshy shawl? Darcy
I started drinking coffee when I switched from evening shifts as a nurse, to day shift. Those early early alarm clock soundings left me zombie like. I used to make myself drink it,
Now many years later it is part of my daily quiet routine. My daughter works for Starbucks. :)
You must bring that skein of yarn to the next meeting. I would love to see it. I am jealous it's sooooooo pretty. I am going to have to break down and join a swap soon. LOL
Hmmm lovely! Enjoy!
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