Had to show you the blanket Michelle made out of everyones donated squares just wonderful Luke will love this labor of love from Michelle and all who contributed:)

Michelle needs your prayers for a neighbor's son Luke he is a 7 year old little boy who has an inopperable brain stem tumor and she’d like our help. Please follow the link to read little Luke’s story. Michelle is also collecting 8×8 squares in boy colors (again, follow the link) she has also said that luke has 2 little sisters twins if she gets more squares than she needs for his blanket she will use the extra's to make Lukes little sisters blankets also.My hubby/knakedknitter and I each knit a square for Luke and they went out in the mail today.Tom knit an L for Luke and I knit a bear paw for him.
If you feel inclined to knit a soft acrylic blend (easy care) 8×8″ square in boy colors (blue, green, yellow red, whatever)…please leave a comment on Michelle's blog asking for her address and she will send it to you in an email.
Luke Loves Baseball, Soccer, going Fishing , and doing Karate…
Hi Darcy,
Nice square your DH made. Sorry for the reason. Wishing Luke the benfit of all the good thoughts and knitting going his way.
Darcy, these are beautiful!! :-) I can't wait to see them in person!
the squares youmade are lovely, he'll love them for sure! let me look around my stash and see what i can come up with, enjoy your weekend darcy!
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