To celebrate with me, some of my friends who's shops are favorites of mine are contributing to the giveaway:)
There are 6 ways to enter.
You can pick and choose how many you want to do.
There are 7 prizes so that means there will be 7 winners!!!!!
So to enter...
1) head over to each of the contributors shops and browse around, come back here and leave a comment letting me know what a few of your favorites things are from each shop... Easy right!
2) Subscribe to my blog (in my side bar) click on/Follow my blog to find out how to follow me, then leave me a comment saying you did.(if you are already a follower you will automatically get an entry:)
3) Leave a comment telling me what keeps you coming back to read a blog.
4) Blog about the giveaway with a link to this post.
Return to my blog and leave a comment with a link to your blog post.
5) grab my button and add it to your blogs side bar and leave a comment telling me you did.
6) For every person that leaves a comment saying they came from your blog you get another entry.(only one comment per friend)
This will help better your chances for the Bonus Prize!!
Please leave me a way to contact you in your comment. (it can be your Ravelry Id or email)
Deadline April 14th 2009 at midnight.
These are the 7 prizes:
~*From Kathleen Valentine*~

The Mermaid Shawl & other Beauties: Shawls, Cocoons and Wraps
by Kathleen Valentine Why do what has already been done? More than a book of patterns, The Mermaid Shawl & other Beauties, is designed to help knitters create their own works of knitted lace art.
The featured shawl was introduced in 2005 on Kathleen Valentine’s blog and subsequently described in a knit-along but throughout the knit-along Valentine encouraged knitters to make different choices to make their shawl unique to them. Now, using the same principles, she offers techniques, diagrams, charts and tips that offer knitters the opportunity to make choices and decisions that will make each shawl their own unique creation. The book contains instruction for three versatile shawl styles, how to turn a rectangular shawl into a cocoon, a chapter on knitting on the bias, and an original short-story, The Mermaid Shawl*, inspired by the featured shawl.
~*Phat Fiber*~

Phat Award Mug
Measures 3.75" tall, 3" diameter
Dishwasher and microwave safe
~*Sandra Singh*~

Andrea Dogwood Blossom Wrap Pattern
One skein is all it takes to knit Catherine Devine's beautiful Dogwood Blossom Wrap.
Pattern has both written instructions and chart and knit on US size 7 (4.5mm) straight or circular needles. Finished Measurements: Approximately 18" x 66" (46cm x 168cm)
Pattern only is being contributed by Sandra
~*My Fair Bag Lady*~

Lana Lynn is not about to endure a bikini wax to get into her new summer number nope.
She heard that she could make major cash on Etsy by selling hand-made items.
Her little metal crochet hook is busy now, and she's stripping down to her little sexy legs in the process.
Her wool is raveling toward her little project right off her leg.
I guess we will find out what she has underneath all that wool pretty soon won't we? Lana is a little sweety, and as you can see from her booty shot she has a little fluffy tail.
She's . . . well let's just say, "Rubenesque" in her endowments.
Oh Lana, Ewe's not fat, Ewe's fluffy!
Lana is made of sheep wool with enhancements of mohair, and llama wool.
She was hand formed and needle felted over a LONG . .Long . . long time.
Her little expressive lipsticked pout sits below her little soft nose and her expressive eyes with eyelashes.
A little flower sits over one ear.
Such a vixen! Lana, you go girl! Work it!
~*Extreme Spinning*~
4+ oz of hand dyed fibers that are joined together with a lovely 1.6 oz top whorl spindle.
The fibers that are in this kit are 1 oz Organic Merino Top in Lucky Leprechaun, 1 oz Icelandic/Angora Roving in Sprites, 2 oz BFL undyed, and a bonus of 1/2 oz merino/bamboo pin roving to get you started spinning easily.
The Spindle is a simple, handmade spindle that is a perfect weight for beginning spinners.
Cj feels for herself, that a top whorl works better for her when using a spindle.
This 1.8 oz is a great starting weight and the bottom of the spindle is pointed.
This makes for good supported spindling in a 9 inch length and 2.5 inch whorl.
You can even hold it between your thighs to get the feel when you're starting.
Cj uses this spindle when spinning in the car as it can touch the seat and not stop moving because of the point.
This spindle has been set-up with a leader and she has started spinning the pin roving.
The pin roving requires no drafting and will allow you to get a feel for your spindle while not worrying about this.
The bag is cotton muslin.
~*Leslie Wind & Darcy*~
Leslie Wind and I are also giving away an all sterling silver butterfly cable needle necklace.
The Cable Needle Necklace works for needle sizes #2 and bigger due to it's unique shape.
This elegant necklace doubles as a multi-purpose tool for knitters.
Watch Darcy's instructional video's in her side bar to see how to use one:)
Bonus Prize!!!
I knit this lovely wee spring sock on size #0 needles and I'm going to give it to the person with the most entries.
For every person that leaves a comment saying they came from your blog you get another entry.(only one comment per friend)
This will help better your chances for the Bonus Prize!!
may the person who wants it the most win!!!!
Yay.. I'm first!.. Darcy,,,you know I am already one of your biggest fan. This is an awesome contest and some great prizes. It's going to be fun. I am headed over to the contributors shops right now.. BBL... love cc
what a wonderful contest with the best prizes ever, I made KV Mermaid shawl when she was first developing it and printing installments on her blog I will have to buy that book because her other rendtions are equally beautiful I just want to learn how to write a book, its definitely in my "20 Wishes" I will post about your contest no one will want to miss it!! Congrats on 2 years
Aww Thankyou Grace and definitely wait until after the drawing to buy Kathleen's Book just in case.(((Hugs))) Darcy
MILK CHOCOLATE Organic Handspun Yarn XS Bumpy Bulky 282 Yards Half a Pound from Extreme Spinning is very beautiful. Wow two years, I haven't made it a year yet. Beautiful prizes, I hope I win one.
What lovely things! I wish I had time to visit them all! Since I have no such talents I will just keep coming back here to admire YOU! :)
I come back to blogs that give me knitting inspiration with lots of beautiful photos of projects.
Chrissy at knittodayAThotmailDOTcom
extreme spinning: crocus batt looks sweet! and who can resist the lana lamb felted critter....(my fair bag lady) and of course the most original and very wonderfully functioning cable neeles from leslie! i have seen that mermaid shawl before on line from kathleen as well. Hay Darc, happy anniversary! I think i have been peeking in almost daily for about a year now and cannot believe i was not a follower....blonde roots!
I can't decide what I like about your blog I'll just let you know I'm a follower, you've been listed on my sidebar and there are just too many things on those sites to like to decide a favorite....Have fun with the contest and Congrats with many more blog years ahead of you.
Lovely goodies!
I tend to come back to blogs that have frequent updates and lots of photos. Occasional contests are a nice bonus.
April 14 is one of my kids bdays! (3 of the kids are on the 14th of different months so 14 is my lucky number!)
Everyone commented on my leslie wind butterfly at stitches west!
hopefully they have come by!
ok,so i wear it everyday and people who dont knit comment on it too! :0)
the mermaid shawl!!! if i dont win, i now have to buy the book!
blogged your contest, now i will have to make a wish list
button on my blog!
the zaftig felted sheep is adorable!
do you think the schaeffer is anything like their trenna?
gonna post you on Ravelry at bleeping i get more points :0)
Oh my what a treasure trove.
I follow your blog on google reader everyday- it is inspiring and fun.
At Parlez moi - I love the ebook for shawls and the pic of her sewing room;
At Phat fiber I gasped at Persephone hand spun and Miranda handpainted yarns
At Sandra Singh I loved the Margaret Stove yarns
My Fair Bag lady had a killer cloche
extreme spinning is already one of my faves- the milk chocolate yarn is yummy
At leslie wind and darcy I fell in love with the Cat cable needle necklace.
I'd like to win anyone of those prizes!Congratulations on blogging successfully for 2 years!
I am a little behind in blog hopping... BUT.
I am a follower of your blog already
I have blogged about your contest today
What keeps me coming back to blogs? Curiosity, I love seeing what everyone is up to, I love the stories and pictures and contests and just life in general.
Now to go see what I like in those shops...
Oh Darcy I can;t possibly say what i liekd best form all your contributors... I can say I MUST have a mug and magnet though from Phat Fiber... yeah... not a want there a NEED.
Oh and your button is also on my side bar, I think I forgot to mention that.
Hey, there! Happy early blogiversary!
I'm already a Phat Fiber box junkie, so I can say nothing but good things there. I also have been drooling over the various rovings in eXtreme Spinning's Etsy shop, particularly the Leprechaun and the Heartbreaker colorways. (I spun up some of her fiber as part of my March Phat Fiber box, actually...)
As far as what keeps me coming back to read a blog, there are a few things that I consider musts. The first is good photography. If you make your yarn or projects look pretty, I'm going to want to stick around and see more. The second is good writing-- if you can write well, write clearly, and stay interesting, I'd find myself hard-pressed to stay away. The third thing is site design. If a site is awkwardly built, I'm less likely to want to stick around, even if their pictures and writing are both excellent. Good site design won't rescue a bad blog, but it will make a good one that much more readable.
-cthulhulovesme on Rav
Thanks for the compliment on my blog and my roses! :)
#1 I Love Books Books Books From kathleens blog.:)
#2 I Love That Silly Yarn Mug And Its Matching Tote You Can Never Have Enough Totes:D
#3 I Love Love That Knit White dress Hope I Can Wear It After Labor Day:)
#4 I Love That Sheepy It Will Go With My others Baaaaaa!
#5 I Think That Spindel Is Awesome I wONDER iF iT wILL fLY aWAY iF i sPIN iT fAST?!!
#6Kimmi Loves Her Braclet She Could Use Another Ha! *wink* I Also Love My Yarn Needle.:)And Enjoy The Comments From People When They See My Cable Needle Necklace.
#7 Darcy I Cant Wait For My Wee Spring Sock! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I Keep Coming Back To Read a Blog Because i find It Interesting And I Love The Giveaways The Colors And The Advertisements.:)
I Have Added The Post To My Page:)
From Dolores.
i got your button:)
you want it back hahah nope cant have it:P
wow, what a fabulous way to celebrate your blogaversary!!
hmmm, what keeps me coming back to visit a blog... i really like humor and fun, you know, fun blogs with fun content, just like yours!
you are awesome!
i have your pretty little button in my sidebar :)
Ooo I love that cable needle necklace -I've wanted one for ages! Thanks for a chance to win one!
I am already a follower! (check)
I already have your button! (check)
I come back to blogs to laugh, cry, and awe myself with the talent of really amazing people.
I am a Phatfiber follower too, and ever since the Bunky Bobo's "Miranda" made especially for Phat, I can't think of anything else. Those colors rock! I even call my Hubster "Bunky Bobo" now! He thinks it's cute but I hate to tell him I'm really just addicted to that yarn.
And I love your cable needle necklace. Have been wanting one since the day I found it when I first came across your blog. Want it baaaaaaaaaad!
xxxxx fingers crossed xxxxx
Amybel on Ravelry
Aunt Kathy sent me here - giver her another entry!
I love everything! I'm especially fond of the Schaefer yarn.
I'm following you! And I'm putting your button on my blog.
I keep coming back to a blog because it is positive, fun or shows great knitting. Yours is all that. Congrats on the big anniversary. Best prizes ever is really right Grace!
I'm not entering the contest, just wanted to wish you...
Happy Blogiversary!
Wauw, what great prices. I'm really in love with the MILK CHOCOLATE Organic Handspun Yarn from Extreme Spinning and the Felted Beads Necklace in Black White and Gray from My Fair Bag Lady. Hope I win one... And I keep looking back to your blog because you seem happy in your writing...
Congrats Darcy! Your prizes are wonderful. I have to tell you there were a few things I loved, and while I love looking at fiber, I just do not have time to learn to spin right now. Phat Fiber had wonderful Persepone sock yarn that I was itching to purchase. I think the spinning wheel orifice hook at My Fair Bag Lady is gorgous (even if I do not own a spinning wheel.) And I thing the sheep cable necklase is one of my fave's, though the yarn needles are fascinating to me. I know I will be purchaseing a few this year.
I posted about your contest, you can contact me through ravelry at lazyknitter or on my blog.
I put your button on my blog :-)
I keep coming back because I like your writing style, and that is normally what attracts me to any of the blogs I return to. I don't care about the pictures or the contests though this one is a great one) its the content.
Hi Darcy, I just had a great time browsing your contributors' shops. Here are my favs: I love the shooting stars shawl on the first one, I just recently heard about the pha t fiber boxes and think they are an awesome idea, there is a pattern called Linea for a girl's tank on Sandra Singh that would be great on my daughter, I *need* the punk rock pixie on bag lady, I think the fiber pusher kits are perfect for a beginner like me, and the silver yarn needle would make sewing up a joy! Wow! what a lot of talent. I'm subscribed to your blog on bloglines, that's where I read all my blogs, and I keep coming back to the ones that have a mixture of life and craft, and don't update so often that I fall behind. :) ~Meg
I now follow your blog.
I can be reached at
I visited extreme spinning and I love the milk chocolate organic yarn and the lightfoot gray moorit. They are both beautiful!
I come back to blogs that offer contests! And I love it when they also offer great advice, about fiber, knitting, or really anything. I also appreciate a blogger with humor and who isn't afraid to share their opinions (without insulting too many people. ^.^)
A few favourites I found while browsing:
- I'm not really a romance fan, so The Mermaid Shawl is definitely my favourite at Kathleen Valentine's blog, but The Old Mermaid's Tale does look intriguing.
- I like Phat Fiber's Yarn Thing Tote Bag - what a cute idea for a knitting bag.
- There's such a selection at Sandra Singh's shop! I love the Schaefer Anne yarn in Edith Wilson, the Cascade 220 Superwash in Bitter Chocolate, and the Goddess Knits Ostara shawl pattern.
- I love the Tea Time Orifice Hook at My Fair Bag Lady... even though I don't have a spinning wheel.
- The Milk Chocolate Organic Handspun and the Lightfoot Grey Moorit at Extreme Spinning are Gorgeous.
- I love the yarn needles and the cable needle necklaces (especially the cat) at Leslie Wind's site.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
I keep coming back to read a blog if it includes things that are interesting, useful, or funny, if it's well-written, and if it's updated on a fairly regular basis (note that "regular" and "often" are not the same thing to me; I read some blogs that are only updated once a month or so, and because I'm expecting that I know when to check back).
Have a happy blogiversary!
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
I'm a follower and come back to blogs that inspire me to try something new or that teach me better ways to do things. That's why I've been wanting Kathleen Valentine's book for a while now. I love Phat Fiber's idea for their sample box, itch to knit the Dogwood Blossom Wrap, love the Purling Pixie (although Lana Lynn is my favorite), want to make a felted soap kit and want, want, want the Heart bracelet and matching cable necklace.
I love love love eye and word candy. and this is a wonderful contest.
from phat fiber i love the
Snow Queen With Child Art Nouveau inspired fiber batt from StarSpun for Phat Fiber 1oz
from my fair bag lady i love the felted magnolia pin
from extreme spinning i love the strawberry frosted doughnut it reminds me of the frosting on the crullers.
at leslie wind i love everything but one thing that really caught my eye was the The Filigree Stick Pin so pretty.
how are you doing as well darcy? its been awhile since we have gabbed. vbarton 24 at gmail dot com
maybe ill win something the prize fairy hasnt been favoring me at all
i already follow and subscribe vbarton24 at gmail dot com
i keep coming back to read your blog because I think it is exciting to see you learning new things and im kind of your friend even if we dont talk alot.
vbarton24 at gmail dot com
i added your button to my blog
vbarton24 at gmail dot com
i blogged
here is the link vbarton24 at gmail dot com
This is beautiful from My Fair Bag Lady "Damask and sage coloured rose Cloche or Slouch hat"
I have bought from Extreme SPinning CJ is amazingly friendly and helpful to the new spinner as well. Willing to share her knowledge. The one that jumps out at me currently from her shop is the "Chocolate Milk Shake Batt out of Shetland wool and Milk Protein"
Desertknitta on Rav
I love it when I can learn something from a blog
Tutorials are great!
Desertknitta on Rav
I have you in my side bar and of course I am a follower :)
Desertknitta on Rav
how fun. congratulations on your 2 year streak. I love your prizes.
My fingers are crossed.
ravelry id amiaknitteryet
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