Wednesday, October 7, 2009

~*Knit The Season By Kate Jacob's Book Giveaway*~

I'm going to be sending one lucky winner this copy of Kate Jacobs latest Novel the third in The Friday Night Knitting Club Series.

The story begins a year after the end of Knit Two, with Dakota Walker's trip to spend the Christmas holidays with her Gran in Scotland, accompanied by her father, her grandparents, and her mother's best friend, Catherine.
Together, they share a trove of happy memories about past Christmases with Dakota's mom, Georgia Walker, from Georgia's childhood to her blissful time as a doting new mom.

From Thanksgiving through Hanukkah and Christmas to New Year's, Knit the Season is a story about the richness of family bonds and the joys of friendship.
Another heartwarming Friday Night knitting Club Novel From Author Kate Jacobs.

The release date for the book is November 3rd.

4 ways to enter:

1.Tell me which of Kate's books are your favorite and why?

2. Blog about and link back to the giveaway.

3.If someone leaves a comment saying they came from your blog with a link you get an extra entry.

4. You get one entry for following my blog:) (Follow Me Button Is In My Side Bar)

Deadline : October 25Th 09 My Birthday by Midnight


vickie said...

i follow your blog this is vickie vbarton24 at gmail dot com

Sarah {The Student Knitter} said...

Your birthday is the day before my one year wedding anniversary! cool! :)

I'm already a follower, does that count?

KnittySue said...

Hi Darcy the contest and the series.
I blogged about it to send others to your site.
I became a follower, can't believe I visit you daily and didn't click it before...geez.
And why I like her series...for alot of the same reasons you do..there's just so much to say.
And I can only hope someone mentions they came here from my blog.

Have a great day and thanks for the chance to win a book in a great series.

Jane said...

I loved the Friday Night Knitting Club and Knit Two and will be reading this one even if I don't win it here!
I'm a follower and will post the contest on my blog.

Anita said...

Well, I've only read the first one so I guess that is my favorite. LOL I did like it very much though.

I blogged about your contest & I follow your blog. :)

It's awesome of you to give away the book.

Jennifer said...

I think the first book was my favorite. It introduced us to all the characters. I really enjoyed it.

Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

Yes if you are already a follower you automatically get one entery:)Hugs Darcy

SissySees said...

I've only read the first one, and I heard about this from Anita... sorta'! ;)

Kim Reid said...

Please enter me - I love the Kate Jacob's Knitting books and so want to read the new one! My favorite of the two would be the first one where the story begins . . .
I'm following your blog also and I came over from Calana Crafts Blog.

Unknown said...

Hey Darcy,
I haven't read any of the books but wanted to say that I came from Jane's blog,GrammieKnits.
Hugs Patt

Robin said...

I follow your blog on google reader with a subscription. I loved Kate's Friday night knit club because it reminded me of a favorite knit shop and made me hold my friends closer.

Anonymous said...

Me! Me! Pick me!

You know I'm a follower - I'm a reader too though :)I think I've read each of Kate's books, and The Friday Night Knitting Club will always be a fave for me. I guess that I might be booed off if I said I found Knit Two a wee bit repetitive in terms of reintroducing characters and "telling" about what had happened both in the previous book and in the meantime rather then showing it. But I loved the storyline. I am hopeful that this new book flows more - I guess it's always the difficulty with a sequel, you can't assume too much from your audience's prior knowledge perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Since I only knew about the first book, it must be my favoriate. I will now search for the second in the series.

straightneedles said...

I liked the first--Friday Night Knitting Club the best because I enjoyed meeting the characters and
having their stories develop---I came here by way of Jane at GrammieKnits and I will be a follower from now on!

danielle said...

I loved the first book very much - the 2d book not quite as much - expect that this one will be very good (if it follows typical series style!). I found my way here from grammieknits...

andrea said...

I came by way of Grammieknits and now will also be a follower of yours! Loved all of Kate's books! Already pre-ordered this one for my Kindle but would love to "gift" the hard copy to my cousin and fellow knitter.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I don't have a blog but hope I can enter anyway. I am a big Kate Jacobs fan. My favorite books was the first one...Friday Night Knitting Club. Inspired me to learn to knit. Not very good at it though :)

Robynn's Ravings said...

I've never read one of these books, Darcy, so I can't say but they sound wonderful. You have such a generous heart! I'm LOVING my tape measure and have hidden it from everyone! lol

Joyce said...

Cool! Another Friday Night Knitting Club book! I got the first one at a booksigning at my LYS, who has since done Friday Night Knitting clubs twice a month. I have not yet read the second one, but do own it, and I'm sure I'll get this third one. I love knitting stories. Somehow, they are very warm and comforting. BTW, I found this contest on Jane's Grammieknits blog. And an early Happy Birthday to you!

Daisymum said...

Well, I liked the last book Knit 2. I was really happy when Dakota found oops, some haven't read the book. I enjoyed it.
I also follow your blog.
You are so sweet to give a book away.
Happy early Birthday!!!

AllyB said...

Hey Darcy! Happy Birthday in a week! My favorite Kate Jacobs book was Friday Night Knitting Club cause Georgia Walker was my favorite character. All the rest of the folks are ok but I would have liked for her to be a friend of mine.

Claudette said...

Hello, I came upon your giveaway by way of Jane's GrammieKnits Blog. Love you both by the way. I also became a follower and if I can figure out how to add your button to my blog I will do that also :>) Not very tech savy, buy I try. While I have the first book in the series and the 2nd on audiobook I have yet to start them. But from what I read on the back cover I cant wait to get started. Have to finish 2 books I am reading first. Thank you so much for offering this give away :>)

Knittingdancer on Ravelry said...

I have read all of Kate Jacob's books and love them all. Happy Birthday on October 25th.

Unknown said...

I love the Knitting Club books, but I think my favourite has to be Comfort Food.

I'm following your blog on Bloglines.

Karey said...

My favorite so far in the series is Knit Two.

Anonymous said...

found your blog through Jane
Grammie knits. have not read any of the books, but would like to. hope i win one. thanks teerose

Felicia said...

I do follow your blog and put up a post on my blog. I'm gonna have to say her Friday Night Knitting Club (book 1 in the series) is my fav - but I'll then confess that's the only book she's written that I've read.

And a very happy birthday to you later this week!

patsy said...

I loved Friday Night Knit Club the best. I have her new book on reserve at my local library where my knitting group meets every Sat.Sparky136 on Ralvery

pippirose said...

I've never read any of the books...YET! I've recently just learned about them, and I can't wait to read them!
I follow your blog.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com