Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Visit To The Endodontist

Alora's drawing of a tooth fairy who cares for our teeth

I was told the molar next to the extraction site might need a root canal because the one it had 5 years ago could be failing or he also said that during the surgery the surgeon could have hit the nerve that runs under the teeth or caused a hair line fracture in the molar next to the surgery site that could be causing the pain but would not be visible on x-rays so there are 3 possible scenarios for what is causing all the pain .
but because my surgery site still has a long way to go to heal I have to wait another month to do anything and he thinks it's time for the ortho surgeon to file the bone down since my gums aren't healing over the bone.
The Endodontist thinks I will have to stay on the antibiotics till the bone in my jaw in both spots heals over. So time is what will be needed to heal I have an appointment the 19Th so I guess he will file the bone down then.
I slept deeply last night I was just exhausted.Hugs Darcy


Turtle said...

ouch!! It's always one thing, then another. Glad to see you back though!

Bubblesknits said...

I'm so sorry Darcy. I can't imagine being in that kind of pain for a month. Sending you lots of healing gum vibes so hopefully it will heal quicker than expected.

KnittySue said...

OH MY!!! I so hope all is well soon...OUCH.

Katherine said...

Oh Darcy that makes my mouth hurt for you! I'm praying and sending healing thoughts. It sounds like a case of "If anything can go wrong, it will!"

Meredith said...

Darcy, hope you are hanging in there...sounds so horible. Sending you positive mouth healing vibes.

Emily said...

Oh. Oh. OH. I'm so sorry! I'm glad you got to sleep last night anyway. A small blessing.

Brenda said...

I feel your pain as I am having two teeth removed and implants on the 19th of May.
Hope you are feel better soon.

Laura Neal said...

you poor thing! I hope all will heal for you. Big hugs and blessings from me.

Turtle said...

hey darc! i misplaced your email so just wanted to say hi, see how you were doing? Take care of yourself! hugs!!