Designer Leslie Wind my lovely new friend asked me to test her cable needle necklace.She sent me one the needle part is bronze it is equivalent to a size 2 needle with a sterling silver butterfly at the top with a leather cord long enough to still use it while on the cord:)I instantly knew just the pattern to test it. The snowflake dishcloth.I have knit the snowflake before it took 4 days last december.This time with Leslies cable necklace I cut my knitting time in half just 2 days to knit the snowflake dishcloth:)The weight of the bronze cable needle held the stitches down and out of my way so that I could easily knit the stitches on my needles then knit the stitches off the cable needle.The cable necklace speeded up the whole process not only did it work as a cable needle but also as a holder for my row counter it fit snug enough not to come off unless gently tugged upon but also loosely enough that my toddler Athena could sit on my lap and spin the row counter with her finger which she enjoyed doing:)The butterflys wings gave me a great place to park my stitch markers.Iam confident I will never lose my cable needle,row counter or stitch markers again;)Leslie engraved to Darcy love leslie on the back it is a beautiful necklace and a great knitting tool.Leslie will be shipping me a collection of different cable necklaces to have with me at world wide knit in public day june 14th at 11am at Carl's Jr resteraunt 0n ave S in Palmdale,Ca and you can also email me at darcyknittingdiva@gmail.com if you would like to order one you can also order them in my sidebar.They will be $40 plus shipping and can be made to order and engraved upon request for gifting to someone special.Cable on:) this is my 199th post the next one will be my 200th post with great drawings for fantastic prizes so be watching for it!!!
Nice blog post! Love the snowflake cloth!
Well, that's quite pretty and a great idea. Thanks for the tip.
Darcy--This is beautiful. Is it really as easy to use as it looks? And I'm picturing it with a really special outfit, most people wouldn't even realize it was a cable needle. I want one! How do I pay you? Or possibly a yarn trade?!
Sandra Singh
Hi! I am a friend of Leslie's and I have to congratulate you on this post. Your description of how you used the necklace is so clear. And that snowflake is amazing! Good luck this weekend.
Wow. Such a wonderful cable needle. Must give this some thought. Thanks Darcy
That's pretty neat!!
Now THAT is really cool. What an inventive cable needle!
Love the dishcloth ... it's so pretty!
Wow! That's really cool! Thanks for sharing this, I am so amazed. Your snowflake is gorgeous by the say!
The snowflake is lovely!
That cable needle seems to be a fantastic invention. I always avoid the use of cable needles, maybe this is just the thing!
I love the the snow flake dishcloth. I thought by the first picture it was big enough as a blanket. Good work.
Thats is one cool necklace!
ok, i want to be leslie's best friend! her stuff is so great and so usable! i got so caught up with her stuff i forgot to read your instructions! i will now....i promise!
that is just so cool...i still wish i was her best friend! and the dish cloth is beautiful...i would have a hard time washing dishes with it!
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